Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1.27.16- When mom is distracted...

Then the kiddos must fend for themselves. Some take up peaceful waiting.

Some become pirates
Some dress up to go elsewhere. Anywhere is more exciting than home.
And some take selfies and teach others how to do so.
But mostly we are just thankful when the entertainment crew comes home. Dad, the big kids anyone who will pay attention and love us. It's hard to be ignored when you are little.
If you have any suggestions on how to channel John's obsession with knives into a earning money career please let me know. He loves to draw them, make them from all different mediums, carry them, and wield them. I don't know enough to know how to channel that love. If you do please help me teach him about a life he might love. And yes pirating or becoming a knight are too far in the past!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1.26.15 - May all your problems be little ones

Yesterday Livy was pretty sick. She didn't pick her head up except to walk. We spent the entire day snuggled in a chair letting her and Afton rest. It was good to be able to just stop and snuggle my little girls. I haven't done that in a long time. I think it's a perk of having your mom at home.

After a day of rest and finally puking a bit Afton felt good enough to play with this horse while we had family home evening. She would laugh as she pushed it around the top of this apple box. Another treasure from my grandparents estate. These solid wood boxes make perfect book shelves!!

And Greg finally has a soft comfortable chair to relax in. Seriously this is about the 2nd time he has comfortably sat at our house. We have couches and the like, but nothing beats a recliner for comfy resting- I know I sit a lot!

And Dr. Millie who has been well through this ordeal decided popcorn was the needed medicine for today's work on recovery. She got the popper out and the corn and loaded the machine up. I came and provided the bowl and plugged the machine in. She took it from there. She's an eager little one and very intent on doing big things. While we butt heads she is a cutey to be around. Started teaching her the When Daddy Comes Home song yesterday while we drove to get the kids from school. She thought it was a perfect song. She loves to sing and is often found doing so. She's Aliza's shadow and for that I thank Aliza for being such a good example.

And in other news. Harold got In school suspension for reading and chewing gum! So of course his sentence writing was I will not read books in school. Which he wrote after scraping the gum off two classrooms worth of desks. Yes seriously reading and gum chewing are not serious problems and I am thankful he is such a sweet kid. He really enjoyed the time with the principal and honestly would probably prefer an hour or so with her every week doing something than filling out the incessant worksheets and busy work of class.  It is so hard to be a boy in public school. BORING is an often report. Unless you get in trouble then you get to do something worthwhile. Ohh the irony.
Grateful for our little problems. Best to you today.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

1.21.22 didnt do it

Today these two didn't do anything. They didn't spread lunches all over the house. Or yogurt all over floors and window. Or get pretty for the day. They do well self maintaining while I'm fixated on reconciliations, again and again.
I Love their innocence and not so innocent play! Hopefully "nobody" and "I didn't" aren't raging at your house today too. I think they permanently live with us. Best to you.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1.20.15 Awards

Last week was the semester awards assembly. The kids got awards for reading and determined hard work.
It is important for kids to get recognized and singled out for accomplishment. It is important for kids that are struggling to be noticed and it is fun to hear the teachers comments about my children's peers. We have great teachers and are very fortunate to have such strong families who support and teach their children.
Addie's teacher Mrs. Mulvany is warm and calm. I love watching her nurture the 1st and 2nd graders. I think it is so important to realize these are just young children that necessitate hugs, some silliness, a lot of patience and structure. She has been interesting and cool under pressure. We have been so thankful Addie has had her as a teacher. Addie misses her sorely when there is a break.

Mark got the lone math award in our family. He is working at the 4th grade level. Interesting note this teacher, Mrs. Robertson was my 2nd grade teacher. She is a master teacher with lots of ideas, structure and organization and commitment to loving and teaching her students. It has been a real answer to prayers to have her teach my sons this year. When things look bleak have faith changes can and do occur!

This woman with Aliza is the all around utility person at the school. She manages the reading program- although she divulged that Mrs. Robertson mentioned above, had dreamed it up in the 90's. This woman is also the librarian and nurse and secretary. She is one reason I feel safe having my children so far away. She has taken care of them when injured or sick, helped them feel welcome and encouraged their reading passion. She is a blessing in our life as well!

Aliza's personal plaque She is at 6000 points, which means she reads about 2 books a day and. She has really blossomed into an interesting, thoughtful, smart person. We all have different talents and I'm so thankful she has been given the opportunity to see that learning is one of hers. She also spends a lot of time helping her peers read and learn. She is concerned about the needs of others and strives to help them however she can. She loves helping in the library and reading to the younger students and siblings `here too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1.18.16 Throwing a ball

Many people believe that if you come from a big family you are neglected by your parents. I admit to have worried more than needed about this obvious outcome of parents divided attention and time. However I continue to see and am filled with gratitude for the inaccuracy of this statement. While parents time does become divided siblings are a great fill in.
These pictures were taken one night at family home evening. I had been playing with Afton and Harold helping Afton throw a ball to Harold. She thought it was so funny. 
In our family the older three have their buddy. Anna and Reed, 

Aliza and the little girls, and Harold and Afton. Each has a special connection with their sibling. 
As we all gathered around to have our lesson she had the ball in her hand. He helped her throw it, she would giggle and laugh loving the full attention of all the family. I have video of this but have been unsuccessful in uploading. Not sure how to youtube but it is precious. Think 11 people cheering for you! I love how families work. I love how I get to learn that from the parent perspective. It's one thing to be a sibling and adore your younger siblings it's a whole other to watch your children develop and nurture those relationships.

Post throw a midst much laughing and cheering. She is a ham, and we are so grateful for this little bundle of entertainment!

Monday, January 11, 2016

1.11.16 Ears

This weekend we hit the road and headed to the big city. While there and under the excitement of our close proximity to so many services we decided to follow through on the promise Anna could get her ears pierced.
We loaded up and headed to the mall. My kids have not been to the mall much or ever. We just don't do that. It was an experience I had often growing up especially in college, it was surreal to go back now with mom eyes and responsible parent outlook. Shocked could be applied to my  impression of the sights!
Not much had changed. Same food court offerings same outrageous store prices and "styles." The girls were impressed and excited. We found the jewelry store and waited our turn while browsing the dazzling selections.
One of the favorite aunts had a small collection of like articles and it was fun to remember her while we waited.
Finally our turn came I didn't hear the price clearly but we selected earrings based on Anna's sensitive skin and personal preference. After haggling a bit over the correct placement of the marker dot- I hate them too low or too close to the head. She has pretty ears.
 She didn't even flinch or bat an eye at the punching through her skin with a largish needle. She did great! Her cousin was disappointed that she was so anti-climatic. Hearing the actual price of the process was a bit more climatic A LOT more than I had anticipated but what do you do when the service is done? We paid and don't think about it now.

We returned home with wash solution in hand and a very pleased young lady.

 One more growing up step taken. It's been interesting to move through these very visual steps with this oldest daughter of ours. Make-up first, now piercing. She was pretty without any of it and she is pretty with small amounts of the make-up and small earrings too. Pretty comes from the inside and she is beautiful from her choices to be kind and virtuous and her ability to work and endure hard jobs. We sure love and are humbled by this sweet daughter of ours.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1.7.16 Teaching Doctrine

“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and
“The study of the doctrines of the gospel will
improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior
will improve behavior. ... That is why we stress so
forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.”  Boyd K. Packer Little Children

My sister took a parenting class last fall and shared the teachers insight that we need to teach doctrine to our children. To be more intentional and apply it more often to the problems and challenges we face.

I just wanted to share a quick testimony that in the gospel of Jesus Christ are the answers to all our parenting question marks.

The son  on the right likes to read science fiction fantasy books. He devours them hundreds of pages at a time. After being repeatedly asked to stop or switch it up I finally banned him from library privileges. He continued sneaking some of the most banned books on my list because of their total disregard for God.

Finally this morning I sat down with him alone and explained how important it was what he puts in his mind, because it's that knowledge that will stay with him eternally. Likewise eternity is a long time determined by our actions here in this finite earth experience. And last but most important I want him with our family eternally and he has to choose to follow God to do so. And books that disrespect God and say he doesn't exist will not help him learn to respect and love God.

The other son has also been taught the  reality of being a child of God, and as such completes projects with his best effort! That he capable of much more than he chooses to give, and to stop living so far below who he really is. That it is offensive to his majestic spirit to be lazy with his life and destiny! (he has since done much better after building on the positiveness in him instead of the negative he was displaying)- this counsel came from a book written by Henry B. Eyring, not sure of the title just heard and excerpt one day.

I feel the spirit when I teach my children doctrine, it is calm and warm in my heart vs. my ears and eyes when I am super mad in anger and frustration!! I feel my own understanding grow. There isn't much to argue about when teaching truth.

In this world of shadow and smoke I'm so thankful for prophets and leaders who guide and direct us so we can enjoy the peace of God. Motherhood has been the study of the gospel I could ever have hoped for. It makes me stretch, ponder, search, and pray.

And it is beautiful. My Christmas present from Greg. Totally unexpected and beautiful, still blooming in my kitchen. A bright spot in the mess of living and the fog of January. Best to you today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1.5.16 December report

December is a busy month of Christmas. One of our traditions is inviting some single neighbors over to the kids Christmas piano recital/ family singalong. We had about 25 people here for that and it was wonderful. 4 piano students played Christmas songs and then the teacher shared a few pieces then took requests for songs to accompany us singing.

The little sisters also singing along, intermixed with necessary dancing to the songs.

Primary Nativity at the ward Christmas party. John and Mark were wise men, Reed was a shepherd, Addie as an angel Aliza was the narrator.

Afton's first Christmas present. And Aliza enjoying her new beanbag chair. Her #1 hoped for gift.

Reed was delighted with his new gloves just his size. From my deceased grandparents glove collection!

I never know what to get Greg but this honey of a hat made his eyes light up and proved its worth the next day as he was outside for about 8 hours.

Enjoying cousins. Food is a major deal at family get togethers. Always plentiful and delicious.

They get big so fast. Harold is on his toes but is only about 3 inches shorter than this cousin who is 6 months older. The kids had a great time visiting, playing games, eating, and resting. December was a great month of service, celebration, contemplation and togetherness. Now to the month of January always a bit of a let down from the joy and activity of December but good to re-group and take some time to rest and be home too. Happy New Year!

Monday, January 4, 2016

1.4.16 Got my back

While we rarely travel we are lucky to have family periodically come visit. This holiday season they trickled through a family or two at a time. It was a great way to spread out the cousin fun. One of the unintentional yet necessary traditions is some kind of work project. The men in this family are not good at sitting casually visiting. They are not content resting inside. They are most often found working long and late in all kinds of weather and circumstances on interesting and helpful projects.

Example I got my windows sealed properly and the molding put on by an enterprising brother in-law. Another one replaced my leaking faucet! Yeah to both projects.

The day after Christmas Greg stayed home and decided that we should get some cows we had purchased a month earlier. Important details- about 4 inches of snow was on the ground with ice underneath, it was about 15 degrees and we had cousins here. Oh and Greg Never Quits once he starts something. Ever, no matter WHAT happens!! And his brothers  Matt and Kevin were here working on siding my in-laws house.

So we went to the hobbled together farm to retrieve the cows. They were wild-eyed and skittish from the moment we saw them. They were running in a mucky large pen not comfortable at all with the presence of strangers or any humans in their space. After pushing them towards the improvised runway between their pen and the trailer they were almost in the trailer when they blew past Harold and cousin Conner both larger boys- and headed for a open field. We only saw them round the corner of a shed and then they disappeared. No trees or coverage just fast feet getting out of entrapment.
The helpers loaded up in a pickup and went to look for them. It was slick and snowy so one couldn't just hurry after.
WE spread out down the road they had traveled in hope of chasing them back to their original pen, but after to sweeps of the road they were never to be found there.
Greg happened to notice one in a feedlot munching among the steers. We had to go and ask the owner if he could help us get our two heifer (girl) cows from his herd of 300. He was having a bad day- tractors not working because of the cold, flat tires etc. but he kindly took an hour and demonstrated the worth of solid pens and gates. I'd never witnessed a feedlot but wow!!! All the work of digging post holes and pounding fences was amazing. Two guys moved and sorted those 300 cows without touching them, and without a ton of effort. It was beautiful. Like a symphony played by master musicians.
We got the wild beasts home about 4 hours after we had left. They were kicking the trailer and slightly irritated at being confined. The cousins, kids and Greg worked on our 2 strand barb wire open making sure it was tight and ready.
I went to visit with sister-in-laws telling the story. About halfway through the telling I noticed two cows trotting briskly down our gravel road. Oh no!! I hurried into my coat to "help" my husband. (help means, reminding him to keep his cool and not kill anything)
Walking across a cornstalk field dotted with frozen hoof holes and stalks is a hard way to chase wild cows. I watched Greg try and try to turn those cows. They would not be headed for nothing. He ran them over, he ran them around, he pushed them with the 4wheeler and they continued to head away. Finally deciding to divide and conquer he got the easier of the two turned toward home and turned it over to his brothers as soon as he got close to them . After seeing his tactic of bringing one home at a time. I hurried back with 7 kids to rebuild the holding pen that the last wild cow had jumped over a few months ago. In the dark with baling string and frozen bodies we worked as best as we could.
We heard the grumbling shouting wranglers slowly coming our way. Matt had bulldogged the cow and got a rope around it's neck. Then they lashed that to the 4 wheeler and were slowly dragging pulling it toward the trailer. It was snowy which was a blessing and curse.
The two brothers, a sick kind brother in-law, and my mother in-law as the cool headed guide. They got that cow into the front section of the trailer and the boys brought water. Matt and Kevin rushed off to help Greg chase the other wilder cow.
I took the boys to chores to feed the domestic cows that are raised here on the farm. A while later Greg came back to get the trailer. I went with him to try to keep him calm.

The brothers came walking out of a neighbors field instructing us to drive in and bring the trailer that the cow was caught but totally unwilling to come anywhere. We drove on the hard frozen ground halfway though the neighbors field. And that cow was mad. She charged anyone in her line of sight. She snorted and reared and kicked. They determined they needed two ropes one to keep her restrained and the other to winch her into the trailer. Greg went for rope and I stayed to hold the flashlight!

These guys are amazing! My admiration for these he-men grows as I watch them work together. It is a great equalizer and bonding time to chase cows. Really I mean it was miserable cold, dark, and a bit unnerving being charged again and again by an angry bovine but really who needs action movies and lethargy when you can ride like the wind and outwit a wild beast?
They of course got the cow in the trailer and there was even a water container already in her stall. So the door was slammed and we quietly drove home.
I love how my husband's family supports each other through hard projects. Really we're not so much into  Disneyland but man come help us remodel, do harvest, or some other work project and the only problem is is there enough work to do?
They have each other's back. There is real emotion, real muscle, and real determination. I hope my kids learn to have the resolve of their father. I told them he never quits, and I hope they learn to never quit too.
Another family day in the books. And no one was hurt even the cows. When we finally opened the trailer 5 days later those awnry beast trotted off like they owned the world.

**One important detail. After we loaded the cows in Ontario we headed to my parent's home. My family saved lives sharing fudge, cookies, beef stick and cheese, and water! The crew was assuring us they would expire before we returned home, and might have save it were for the refreshments shared by my family. Thank you dad for saving the lives of children!! They talked about how delicious the snacks were for the next 3 hours while we chased cows. 

Sunday, January 3, 2016

1.3.16 bedtime...

The little girls are eipc sleep avoiders. Thank goodness we have a super hero at our house called Aliza! She sings, comforts, tucks in, tells stories complete with elephants tigers and trains and even shares facial secrets.

I hope we don't wear out her creativity and patience. Aftons first words are "Li. Li.." when pointing this out to liza Afton said "yes!" 
Older kids and younger kids are such an inspiring dynamic. Happy New year.

Friday, January 1, 2016

1.1.16 lets!

You know you've been in too many doctors offices when your kiddos begin improvising ways to see patients.
Livy made this "chair" and instructed Millie to pay down and open "wide wide wide!" then she got her little mirror and put some stars in Millie's teeth! Then they switched places with Livy coaching Millie through the correct procedure.

  • Love Millie's face. That's how I feel when I hear the report. Goal for 2016 less cavities! Happy New year!