Wednesday, January 20, 2016

1.20.15 Awards

Last week was the semester awards assembly. The kids got awards for reading and determined hard work.
It is important for kids to get recognized and singled out for accomplishment. It is important for kids that are struggling to be noticed and it is fun to hear the teachers comments about my children's peers. We have great teachers and are very fortunate to have such strong families who support and teach their children.
Addie's teacher Mrs. Mulvany is warm and calm. I love watching her nurture the 1st and 2nd graders. I think it is so important to realize these are just young children that necessitate hugs, some silliness, a lot of patience and structure. She has been interesting and cool under pressure. We have been so thankful Addie has had her as a teacher. Addie misses her sorely when there is a break.

Mark got the lone math award in our family. He is working at the 4th grade level. Interesting note this teacher, Mrs. Robertson was my 2nd grade teacher. She is a master teacher with lots of ideas, structure and organization and commitment to loving and teaching her students. It has been a real answer to prayers to have her teach my sons this year. When things look bleak have faith changes can and do occur!

This woman with Aliza is the all around utility person at the school. She manages the reading program- although she divulged that Mrs. Robertson mentioned above, had dreamed it up in the 90's. This woman is also the librarian and nurse and secretary. She is one reason I feel safe having my children so far away. She has taken care of them when injured or sick, helped them feel welcome and encouraged their reading passion. She is a blessing in our life as well!

Aliza's personal plaque She is at 6000 points, which means she reads about 2 books a day and. She has really blossomed into an interesting, thoughtful, smart person. We all have different talents and I'm so thankful she has been given the opportunity to see that learning is one of hers. She also spends a lot of time helping her peers read and learn. She is concerned about the needs of others and strives to help them however she can. She loves helping in the library and reading to the younger students and siblings `here too.

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