Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1.26.15 - May all your problems be little ones

Yesterday Livy was pretty sick. She didn't pick her head up except to walk. We spent the entire day snuggled in a chair letting her and Afton rest. It was good to be able to just stop and snuggle my little girls. I haven't done that in a long time. I think it's a perk of having your mom at home.

After a day of rest and finally puking a bit Afton felt good enough to play with this horse while we had family home evening. She would laugh as she pushed it around the top of this apple box. Another treasure from my grandparents estate. These solid wood boxes make perfect book shelves!!

And Greg finally has a soft comfortable chair to relax in. Seriously this is about the 2nd time he has comfortably sat at our house. We have couches and the like, but nothing beats a recliner for comfy resting- I know I sit a lot!

And Dr. Millie who has been well through this ordeal decided popcorn was the needed medicine for today's work on recovery. She got the popper out and the corn and loaded the machine up. I came and provided the bowl and plugged the machine in. She took it from there. She's an eager little one and very intent on doing big things. While we butt heads she is a cutey to be around. Started teaching her the When Daddy Comes Home song yesterday while we drove to get the kids from school. She thought it was a perfect song. She loves to sing and is often found doing so. She's Aliza's shadow and for that I thank Aliza for being such a good example.

And in other news. Harold got In school suspension for reading and chewing gum! So of course his sentence writing was I will not read books in school. Which he wrote after scraping the gum off two classrooms worth of desks. Yes seriously reading and gum chewing are not serious problems and I am thankful he is such a sweet kid. He really enjoyed the time with the principal and honestly would probably prefer an hour or so with her every week doing something than filling out the incessant worksheets and busy work of class.  It is so hard to be a boy in public school. BORING is an often report. Unless you get in trouble then you get to do something worthwhile. Ohh the irony.
Grateful for our little problems. Best to you today.

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