Tuesday, January 5, 2016

1.5.16 December report

December is a busy month of Christmas. One of our traditions is inviting some single neighbors over to the kids Christmas piano recital/ family singalong. We had about 25 people here for that and it was wonderful. 4 piano students played Christmas songs and then the teacher shared a few pieces then took requests for songs to accompany us singing.

The little sisters also singing along, intermixed with necessary dancing to the songs.

Primary Nativity at the ward Christmas party. John and Mark were wise men, Reed was a shepherd, Addie as an angel Aliza was the narrator.

Afton's first Christmas present. And Aliza enjoying her new beanbag chair. Her #1 hoped for gift.

Reed was delighted with his new gloves just his size. From my deceased grandparents glove collection!

I never know what to get Greg but this honey of a hat made his eyes light up and proved its worth the next day as he was outside for about 8 hours.

Enjoying cousins. Food is a major deal at family get togethers. Always plentiful and delicious.

They get big so fast. Harold is on his toes but is only about 3 inches shorter than this cousin who is 6 months older. The kids had a great time visiting, playing games, eating, and resting. December was a great month of service, celebration, contemplation and togetherness. Now to the month of January always a bit of a let down from the joy and activity of December but good to re-group and take some time to rest and be home too. Happy New Year!


  1. What version of Ticket to Ride is that? We may have to trade/borrow for while! It's Hoss' favorite game to play!!

  2. India. Its new. Funny only big kids allowed here. Have America and Europe too one more that's mostly tunnels. I don't play but the love it

  3. India. Its new. Funny only big kids allowed here. Have America and Europe too one more that's mostly tunnels. I don't play but the love it
