Monday, January 11, 2016

1.11.16 Ears

This weekend we hit the road and headed to the big city. While there and under the excitement of our close proximity to so many services we decided to follow through on the promise Anna could get her ears pierced.
We loaded up and headed to the mall. My kids have not been to the mall much or ever. We just don't do that. It was an experience I had often growing up especially in college, it was surreal to go back now with mom eyes and responsible parent outlook. Shocked could be applied to my  impression of the sights!
Not much had changed. Same food court offerings same outrageous store prices and "styles." The girls were impressed and excited. We found the jewelry store and waited our turn while browsing the dazzling selections.
One of the favorite aunts had a small collection of like articles and it was fun to remember her while we waited.
Finally our turn came I didn't hear the price clearly but we selected earrings based on Anna's sensitive skin and personal preference. After haggling a bit over the correct placement of the marker dot- I hate them too low or too close to the head. She has pretty ears.
 She didn't even flinch or bat an eye at the punching through her skin with a largish needle. She did great! Her cousin was disappointed that she was so anti-climatic. Hearing the actual price of the process was a bit more climatic A LOT more than I had anticipated but what do you do when the service is done? We paid and don't think about it now.

We returned home with wash solution in hand and a very pleased young lady.

 One more growing up step taken. It's been interesting to move through these very visual steps with this oldest daughter of ours. Make-up first, now piercing. She was pretty without any of it and she is pretty with small amounts of the make-up and small earrings too. Pretty comes from the inside and she is beautiful from her choices to be kind and virtuous and her ability to work and endure hard jobs. We sure love and are humbled by this sweet daughter of ours.

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