Wednesday, January 27, 2016

1.27.16- When mom is distracted...

Then the kiddos must fend for themselves. Some take up peaceful waiting.

Some become pirates
Some dress up to go elsewhere. Anywhere is more exciting than home.
And some take selfies and teach others how to do so.
But mostly we are just thankful when the entertainment crew comes home. Dad, the big kids anyone who will pay attention and love us. It's hard to be ignored when you are little.
If you have any suggestions on how to channel John's obsession with knives into a earning money career please let me know. He loves to draw them, make them from all different mediums, carry them, and wield them. I don't know enough to know how to channel that love. If you do please help me teach him about a life he might love. And yes pirating or becoming a knight are too far in the past!

1 comment:

  1. Love this! Maybe give him an axe and some logs. He could sell firewood!
