Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1.18.16 Throwing a ball

Many people believe that if you come from a big family you are neglected by your parents. I admit to have worried more than needed about this obvious outcome of parents divided attention and time. However I continue to see and am filled with gratitude for the inaccuracy of this statement. While parents time does become divided siblings are a great fill in.
These pictures were taken one night at family home evening. I had been playing with Afton and Harold helping Afton throw a ball to Harold. She thought it was so funny. 
In our family the older three have their buddy. Anna and Reed, 

Aliza and the little girls, and Harold and Afton. Each has a special connection with their sibling. 
As we all gathered around to have our lesson she had the ball in her hand. He helped her throw it, she would giggle and laugh loving the full attention of all the family. I have video of this but have been unsuccessful in uploading. Not sure how to youtube but it is precious. Think 11 people cheering for you! I love how families work. I love how I get to learn that from the parent perspective. It's one thing to be a sibling and adore your younger siblings it's a whole other to watch your children develop and nurture those relationships.

Post throw a midst much laughing and cheering. She is a ham, and we are so grateful for this little bundle of entertainment!

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