Wednesday, January 6, 2016

1.7.16 Teaching Doctrine

“True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and
“The study of the doctrines of the gospel will
improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior
will improve behavior. ... That is why we stress so
forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel.”  Boyd K. Packer Little Children

My sister took a parenting class last fall and shared the teachers insight that we need to teach doctrine to our children. To be more intentional and apply it more often to the problems and challenges we face.

I just wanted to share a quick testimony that in the gospel of Jesus Christ are the answers to all our parenting question marks.

The son  on the right likes to read science fiction fantasy books. He devours them hundreds of pages at a time. After being repeatedly asked to stop or switch it up I finally banned him from library privileges. He continued sneaking some of the most banned books on my list because of their total disregard for God.

Finally this morning I sat down with him alone and explained how important it was what he puts in his mind, because it's that knowledge that will stay with him eternally. Likewise eternity is a long time determined by our actions here in this finite earth experience. And last but most important I want him with our family eternally and he has to choose to follow God to do so. And books that disrespect God and say he doesn't exist will not help him learn to respect and love God.

The other son has also been taught the  reality of being a child of God, and as such completes projects with his best effort! That he capable of much more than he chooses to give, and to stop living so far below who he really is. That it is offensive to his majestic spirit to be lazy with his life and destiny! (he has since done much better after building on the positiveness in him instead of the negative he was displaying)- this counsel came from a book written by Henry B. Eyring, not sure of the title just heard and excerpt one day.

I feel the spirit when I teach my children doctrine, it is calm and warm in my heart vs. my ears and eyes when I am super mad in anger and frustration!! I feel my own understanding grow. There isn't much to argue about when teaching truth.

In this world of shadow and smoke I'm so thankful for prophets and leaders who guide and direct us so we can enjoy the peace of God. Motherhood has been the study of the gospel I could ever have hoped for. It makes me stretch, ponder, search, and pray.

And it is beautiful. My Christmas present from Greg. Totally unexpected and beautiful, still blooming in my kitchen. A bright spot in the mess of living and the fog of January. Best to you today.

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