Tuesday, May 10, 2016

5.10.16 Another First

This strong confident beautiful daughter of ours gave us another first tonight. 

We were just wrapping up a lovely evening of mowing the lawn. I was outside putting sprinklers in place when I started hearing some weird moan yelp gasping from the house. Aliza first then Harold in almost the same tone. I wondered what in the world had just happened. I find it good to listen to the voices to prepare to handle whatever the emergency is that's coming.  Soon Harold ran out and said "Mom come quick Anna's lost her front tooth!" I hurried in and saw Anna lying face down in pool of blood crying!
I instructed her to calm down and to get up. She sat up with blood gushing down her face. I handed her a clean rag and instructed her to apply pressure. Then I wiped up the blood and found a full front tooth in the mess. I hurried and called our fabulous dentist who was out, but his wife instructed me to put the tooth in milk and head to the office. Bless them for no ER cost.

Grandma came down to manage the freaked out home crew. We headed to Ontario stopping to pick Greg up on the way. I love the new 70mph speed limit. We covered her in a warm fleece jacket and tried to assess what had caused this sudden hillbilly look, and to keep her calm.

She and John were rough housing and it happened so fast she didn't have time to stop herself and her face took the brunt of the fall on the tile thus knocking out her good front tooth. (the other one was broke intwo playing football 3 years ago and is now crowned). Honestly I'm thankful she doesn't have a broken arm. And so thankful she doesn't need braces because those two front teeth of hers have and will cost more than braces.
Back to the story-
 The dentist met us at his office with his soon to be married daughter. It was so good to see her, and so kind of him to take care of us so late. I cleaned the blood off her face a bit, while he got situated. He then numbed her providing some needed relief. He took an x-ray and confirmed it was a clean removal of the entire tooth. Then surprisingly he took the tooth from the milk and shoved it forcefully back into her gum. I held her hand and man is she ever strong. Whoa! He said it's best to shove the tooth right back in when it happens. But if not then put the tooth in milk or put it under your tongue to keep it moist and clean. Wow! HE glued it to her remaining real tooth gave her another long lasting numb shot so she could sleep and we came home.

I told Anna it was good we didn't know the shove it in tip or we may have laid her on the table and had Grandma replace it. Grandma said she was very thankful we didn't know that because she wasn't really wanting that experience. We probably wouldn't have... but first aid is always good to know!

Not the way I wanted to end my day. I had spent an hour in his chair earlier today getting my first crown and some fillings. However, I am so grateful for his assistance and kind demeanor when working on us poorly genetically endowed Corn-Saunders. So Anna is resting with a very FAT lip and some discomfort from shock. Root canal to follow and hopes and prayers that her body will re-grab the root of her tooth.

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