Sunday, May 8, 2016

5.8.16 Mothers day

I am most definitely a words of affirmation love language. So while I value the creative offerings their cute stories and responses are what really melt my heart. This year did not disappoint. The patriotic table toppers were patiently made at school with the assistance of some ever crafty moms and my kiddos. We were ready for summer until the little girls worked their creative fingers and minds and now they are mostly good memories via pictures. 

The green cards though held some precious stories from John and Mark. 

From John:
I love when you make brownies for us to eat... I love when you help me with my homework because it is sometimes hard. Finally one of the best about you is that you make good meals. So mom, I hope you can see how much you mean to me. I love you. Happy Mother's Day- Love John.

From Mark:
I love when you make Hamburgers for us to eat. You know I like the pickles.. Also you know I like mustard.
I love it when you spend time with my by helping me with my homework. Finally one of the best things about you is that you love me. Happy Mother's Day- Love Mark. You are a great mom.
The picture of me drawn by Mark. Thank goodness I'm smiling in his rendition.  

Aww! They notice that I notice. John saved his red ruby decoration just for this project. He was so happy to be able to share something so pretty. I love that the most important thing is the food we enjoy together. True young men.

The blue from Addie- complete with picture of us:
Thank you mom for taking care of me when I get hurt, for forgiving me when I make a mistake, for sticking by my side when I am sick, for spending time with me, for planting the seeds of faith in me.... Can I say how grateful I am for teachers and administrators who aren't afraid to say Thank God, and Faith! Maybe I shouldn't even write it for fear of getting caught. How sad is that.
And my Reed-o:
My best meal pie and eggs.
All the kids reported the things I'm always saying is do your work or get to work. Hmmm.

Some beautiful flowers a most faithful mom gave to me in exchange for flowers to her. So many mothers are prime examples of long suffering and everlasting faith and hope for and in their children. These  flowers were so beautiful in her yard , she had just cut them as we pulled up. It was so kind of her to share.
And my crew making our feast for dinner. I told Greg he was a picture of fatherhood with his children playing at his feet while he grilled us some vittles!

And the crew getting dinner pulled together. We are working on the middle three learning to be more capable in the kitchen and life in general. The older three are doing pretty well taking a task from start to finish but John, Mark, and Addie and sometimes Reed are ready to be instructed and have the chance to be the learners.

Mother's day was fun. I love Sundays when we just enjoy being together in one place. I love my kiddos. They have taught me patience, respect, love, kindness, and tolerance. They love me, the enlighten and challenge who I thought I was and what I thought I knew. It's the most intense experience I could have ever dreamed and I'm so thankful it's mine to have. Thanks to my mother for setting the example and teaching me this is a true path to happiness.

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