Monday, May 9, 2016

5.8.16 Millie's Goal

This last conference D. Todd Christofferson concluded his talk with this admonition:

Alma testified to his son:
“Behold, I say unto you, that it is [Christ] that surely shall come … ; yea he cometh to declare glad tidings of salvation unto his people.
“And now, my son, this was the ministry unto which ye were called, to declare these glad tidings unto this people, to prepare their minds; or rather … that they may prepare the minds of their children to hear the word at the time of his coming." Alma 39:15-16

This really struck me when I heard it again while studying talks. That we as parents are being taught so that we might prepare our children for Christ coming. Wow! That's real, and that's soon.

So tonight on the heels of some of my children's needs and their growing maturity and lingering time in our home I felt impressed to start teaching about goals and the importance of determining now what you are going to do so you don't waste your life away in idle pursuits. We had a great discussion aided by a funny all too true story of a distracted farmer. Then we got done to setting 1 long term (4 years out or more), 1 mid-term(happening this year), and 1 short-term (happens this week) goal. I worked with kids asking them to plan out one of their goals. Greg sat with Millie and Reed helping them write their goals.
I read Millie's short term goal- learn to cook eggs, and smiled happily informing Greg she is a whiz at that already. She adamantly makes Afton her scrambled egg each day. Millie loves to crack eggs and is about 90% shell free!

I told her good job and sent her back to dad, he said no read her list the top of it. Well that caught me by surprise. Millie's first goal of her own choice is "See Jesus."

And when she got back to her dad she asked him to show her where it was on her paper again. I have to admit we were both pretty quietly humbled at her faithful sincere goal. Her and Livy talk often about Jesus and God. At first I was a little surprised but as it became their habit I stopped thinking about it until tonight.
Somewhere in one of the talks and scriptural accounts their is record that the children's mouths will be opened and they will speak things that astonish their parents. I think tonight we witnessed that. I'm pretty confident these kiddos of mine will see and welcome the Savior back to earth. That is a hugely humbling statement.

Times are a changing and amazing this mom tonight. Best to you in your preparations and pondering. 

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