Tuesday, May 24, 2016

5.24.16 normal days

While I was on the phone Afton and Livy were having a sword fight- I think Afton started it, really. I was the responsible mother and made them trade my two longest knifes I use for cutting bread, for the the more dull butter knifes. That didn't slow them down much. I guess it's important to know how to defend yourself. 

The boys are more serious when fighting, they also used pan lids for shields. The girls will probably get instruction in this skill during the summer months. Maybe we could call this home school social studies- pages and squires training to be knights? 

One of the best parts of having a very experienced teacher is their vision of filling time with meaningful learning, not just movies. After testing was done or through it Mark's awesome teacher did art lessons. This picture shows what they learned about Monet. The kids learned it's not so easy to be an impressionist. I love Monet and loved the various versions the students created of his famous bridge scene.

A mild picture of poor Anna day one after the fall. Doesn't do justice to how big that lip got. Our kind home teacher brought her out a chocolate milk shake. So far so good though, tooth and mouth have healed really well.  Now to keep it in place.

On my birthday I got sick. Like sit in a chair and be quite all day sick. Funny moment I got sick- puking after drinking too much water without any food intake. The boys wisely surmised I was finally getting morning sickness. I was just about asleep and couldn't correct them at the time. I did explain later that it wasn't morning sickness just real sickness. They then querried weather morning sickness was just in the morning. I reported that it lasts all day for months. They were a little surprised I think.
Livy loves to look at books and was showing me one of her favorite pictures of her favorite animal horses. Poor kids born into a no horse family.

Millie is never one to be left out she too had a favorite picture, and said "Mom take a picture of me!".

When Harold is home he has a shadow. This little one loves the attention and rides and fun he provides. She thinks she is pretty big and he is more than happy to take a break from his work to play with her.

John's self-portrait another art lesson from school. He did not like this picture but I thought it was cute, although not as cute as him.

Reed was sure to not miss out on the action. He is ready to learn and spend time developing his fine motor skills. It takes time to get to this point but he is doing well. He finished his first work book and earned a fat boy sandwich. That was his request. We are pretty close on the next book so Reed and Greg will be enjoying some more fat boys this week. Good times for a smart kid. His front teeth are also starting to come in so his speaking is getting better. F and "th" are hard to say with no teeth. And eating can be challenging. All part of growing up.

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