Sunday, August 28, 2016

8.28.16 Filling Up

No pictures because my hands have been full and my legs have been tired. We have been filling up jars as fast as we can!! Ha-ha.
I love this time of year. I especially love the unity and skill my children are exhibiting. I have been mostly sitting and watching them can and am awed and frustrated with the experience. They do so well and they disappear so fast. But the kiddos have taken this project from start to finish and I am thankful for their skill in providing for our way of life for the coming year.
Baby is filling me up. I'm just waiting and working to be positive, realistic, patient, and restful.
I'm slowly checking things off the list that have to be done. Canning looked done. We did peaches, fruit cocktail, jam, and spaghetti sauce last week. Then we went and picked or purchased more peaches. Oh drat! So we may be doing some late night canning this week.
All in all though we are just preparing to meet this new member of our family! "I am so excited!" is my new phrase I repeat every time some scared or apprehensive thought creeps in. It's been so comforting to have the big kids home- they are so capable and helpful. I'm so thankful they are trained to cook, clean, launder, care for, converse with, think and play. Life is good and we are blessed and someday soon we will start the journey again with this new patient little one. God is good to give us chances to learn and learn again. Best to you.

Friday, August 19, 2016

8.18.16 Just waiting...

With kids back in school life is sure different. A friend asked if I just sit and wait all day for them to come home. Well sort of. I found the little girls at the end of the driveway and insisted they come back. They found the mud puddle and since it was in the shade and I didn't want to wash dishes I sat and observed while snapping some pictures to show Greg later. 

Afton is hollering here. I am woman hear me roar! All good outside away from my ears.

Then Millie found some nice silty mud.  My friend had also stated science has found mud to have many anti-depression, anti-anxiety qualities and that it is really good for us to be in the dirt and mud. Therapeutic play I guess.

Then I got a mud rub on my legs. Never let my kids do that before. It wasn't bad they were thrilled to include mom.

I have very soft legs now Afton was intent on bringing handful after handful to my legs to rub them down. It occupied her and I thought why not, isn't this bonding or accepting them where they are at?

After getting muddy clothes I told them to clean off in the hose. Which became a water spree. All good. Two hoses two girls up the hill no problem.

Until Afton was parked on my legs on the hill and Livy brought the sprinkler in chase of Millie and couldn't resist mom the sitting duck talking to dad on the phone trying to send out a group text to people to let them know about an after school activity. And so big mom got wetted down too.

When everyone is home Addie, Mark, Reed, or John would have been the players and recipients. Today it was mom. I have pictures of Anna, Harold and maybe Aliza playing in the water when they were little. I haven't been in the action much since then. Although I am wet- not bad on a hot day- my legs are exfoliated, we are all clean and really it's good to be more centered on these little busy people. Thank goodness for deadlocks on my doors. I hope they contain them for a while.

Yesterday we were more reserved and just read a lot of books, after cleaning and washing and doing laundry for hours. It's a lot of work to run this show alone!

The girls are enjoying Aliza's forgotten lunch. They had a picnic at home. So far my plan to establish myself as the boss with them is still on shaky ground, but maybe the tactic is more if you can't beat them join them... or just try to keep them safe, or just love them for where they are at?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

8.17.16 Running through the last days

We have had packed days trying to get the most work accomplished before the lazy days of school. From  cramming with Reed to canning peaches to sorting clothes and cleaning we have been pushing hard. We took a day off to go to the church orchard to pick peaches. I love those opportunities. The kids were going to be gone on their annual rodeo outing and they are such good workers I just couldn't let them miss out. So after a quick midwife appointment- I lost 2 lbs!!- we went and picked for an hour. This experience was a real testament to the Lord's orchard vs. others and things that are prayed over. 
Look at that peach!

Hopefully our baby's head won't be much bigger than that peach. It was the largest peach we found that day but most were at least softball size. Gorgeous fruit on short trees where all the picking was within arms reach, no ladders required!! Beautiful and fun time to be with my crew.

Super picker showing his muscles. John is a fastidious worker. He mostly stays till his job requirement is done. I love this about him.

Later that night Greg and I returned with the little girls. One of his new responsibilities is getting our ward to the orchard and there are few things more annoying than being asked to come to a project and the asker not showing up to work too. It was a nice evening and nice to visit with adults and kids from our ward. I think we have helped people see kids are total assets on service projects. While they may not work as efficiently it's so good to be together as a family working, visiting, and sharing an experience. The orchard is a fairly secluded safe spot so even little people are just fine.

As we drove we pointed out the red sunset to Livy. She demanded we take a picture like Aunt Brenda. I don't take pictures of nature much because I have so many family pictures. But she is probably correct in insisting we be more grateful for such beautiful sights. Love that my kids are taught by great aunts and uncles.

I concur with Afton. It's been a mad dash trying to get everything done. We got it done enough. Today is strangely quiet and peaceful and ok. It is always hard to send the kids off, but I know they will come hiome proud and full of stories tonight. They have a need to grow and stretch too. So nap time and run time again keeping them up till bed time, listening and coralling the energy and tiredness. Life is good I am hugely blessed to have so many to experience this life of learning with. Best to you today.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

8.16.16 Space Camp

Harold had another adventure this summer. He attended the first aerospace camp hosted at the local community college. It was a great adventure. It was hard to part with my right hand guy for a week but in an effort to spark his imagination and desire to care about all the hum drum of school we felt it an important sacrifice. He spent an afternoon listening and learning from an astronaut who spent 6 months in the space station in 2014. Can you imagine that long in space?

He single handledly built and programmed a robot from scratch! Loved that! HE worked with drones and mapping and they explored the local air museum ate really well and learned various other air things. So thankful for the many minds and hands that go into these special programs and praying hard for a better school experience this year. If only science class could be as exciting and real as science camp.

Monday, August 15, 2016

8.15.16 Canning time again

Ahh the mad dash to cram everything in before the ominous sounding of the first school day bell. Too much to do and so little time. We went and picked peaches and blackberries last week. So delicious! Since I rarely post pictures (because he is always somewhere else on the farm) of Mark here's one of him post picking. The boys were first to fill their bucket of berries. Bless the scientist who came up with thornless blackberries. We made lots of mixed berry jam.

A happy little one. All the peaches, and berries her tummy could hold no one stopped her as we were all working. No problem she did fine. I think they may have lost money on our picking we ate a lot berries. The vines were loaded and it was lunch time.

The first batch! Many hands make light work and a big mess- but they mostly cleaned it up!

We listen to conference talks at least two, but generally a whole session before we turn on Pandora.  Playing name that tune with musicals and various Disney songs. It is fun to sing along and makes the time pass. I love the tidbits the kids glean from the conference talks and I love the calm spirit it brings. Thanks to my mom for a wonderful Bluetooth speaker that is loud enough to be heard over the bedlam going on.

They were pretty ambitious for the first hour or so. In fact so much so that they had to be shewed out of the kitchen so we could catch up and get jars finished off. The 2nd round up was more difficult. It's so frustrating that no matter how many or few you attempt to do there is always a big mess. Oh well it's good memories and important to learn to work together. We have enjoyed peach pie, peach jam, peaches and oatmeal, and lots of peaches this weekend. Love this time of the year fresh vegetables from the garden and fresh fruit from local stands. It's the best. I think we did about 70 quarts of peaches. 15 pints of berry jam and 6 pints of peach jam. Lots more to go but it's a start. 

The girls survived canning and got to go to the drag races with friends. They love watching the races. Aliza had a successful shopping spree and we are now one step closer to being outfitted for back to school. She is made because I make them leave their books home when going with friends. So mean to expect them to talk to real people! Oh well such is my job to be a mean mom!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

8.9.16 working cows

Having so many helpers around meant the necessary working of cows was quick and pretty easy. The out of town cousins got to learn about being still and animal sense. The men made the job enjoyable!
This group was keeping the mamma cows from coming to help their calves they look intimidating don't they? 

Anna and Harold are use to working cows but it was nice to work with so many experienced uncles.

My two brother in-laws are cow men. So while our set-up is much more creative than theirs they are good sports and understand how to get the job done. It is a pleasure and blessing to have them around. They don't get ruffled or frustrated just keep smilin' and working.

The yellow shirt man is a good sport in any situation. He also has quick reflexes so he caught the calves in the squeeze shoot. He didn't miss a one. We de-horned the calves and they were done. Thank goodness Harold had the forethought to band so the testicles would fall off the calves when they were only a few days old. He would walk up to the little calves and grab them and get the band on sometimes single handedly. After a week this was not possible and would take lots of chasing and more hands but as newborns they are fairly docile. Horns arrive months later so it took more restraint to get them off. They are dangerous to work around and many of these are female so they will be in the herd for years to come. No need to gore anyone in the future.

Even little guys want to help. This guy is almost 2 and knows what needs to be done with these 4 legged creatures- just by watching and doing exactly what his dad does!

Making a plan how to sort the calves, and explaining position to the shirt-tail cousin. One must be fast and alert when working cows they are very agile and accidents or good things can happen faster than imaginable.

Sorry all the pictures are from the back I dumbly wore a hot pink shirt that day and if I got close to the calves eyesight they shied away so I stayed back, and not being so nimble these days I couldn't move to another position. Harold said it was nice to do some normal stuff. This was all done before 8:30 in the morning they worked about 20 cows and calves. I love getting to know more about people while observing how they work. I was most impressed with this crew. Another piece of coming to the farm

Monday, August 8, 2016

7.8.16 cousins

We had a full week of cousins! It was fun and tiring. We ate a bunch, played more, and worked a little. With almost 50 cousins there are a lot of personalities, energy, and enthusiasm when more than 20 get together. This time we had 32 cousins plus an added shirttail cousin. Thank goodness for nice weather we could spread out around the lawn and farm- so much more manageable and pleasant than being cooped up in the house.. The little kids enjoyed eating out doors picnic style. The mosquitoes enjoyed the extra kids too they came out with a vengeance last week unfortunately! The cats did clean-up of spills and leftovers it was a win for everyone.  

They liked playing in the dirt even more. These industrious guys and one girl cousin are loosening the soil to make towns in the dirt.

The swing was in constant motion we need about 5 more to meet the demand. Kids would wait and wait for a minute ride in the swing. Amazingly no little ones were knocked over or out.

Aunt Brenda's pancakes were requested almost daily I think. She is a great cook and a pre-planned menu helped to ease the concern and time required to feed such a crew. Paper plates and silverware were a huge help eliminating hours spent washing dishes.

This is a smattering of the littles. My girls are sure missing the constant action of cousins. They had fun playing dolls and moms and in the water and who knows what other games they came up with. They get along pretty well.

The older kids playing qwirkle. Grandma Sue loves games and taught her daughters to enjoy them as well. Aunt Brenda was coaching several of these players as they learn the nuances and strategies of the game. She said it was a challenge to play her self in so many different scenarios.

For the younger set Parcheesi. An oldy but goody! And a great way to learn some sportsmanship while someone else blocks your way!!

A ticket to ride is another popular choice. I love how boardgames make you talk and think. The kids likewise love the competition and the break from outdoor activity.
We had some fireworks one dark evening the kids were not aware that they are so loud. They ran through the sprinklers and picked beans and dug out pivots. They rode four wheelers and did chores. It is a great mix of work and play enhanced with cousins who aren't use to such activities. The shirt-tail cousin even set a siphon tube by sucking on it while working with Anna! That is not the preferred or taught way he was just being a goon.
It's fun to have the visits and develop relationships. Now to get ready for back to school!

Monday, August 1, 2016

8.1.16- Changes

We got an ominous call to meet with the stake president last week. We knew a change was coming in our bishopric and knew the implications of such a meeting. After the call was extended with a bit of a sigh of relief, we worked through the rest of the week. Preparing, pondering, and pausing often to check to see if the other was ok. There are so many and so few experiences in a marriage that are only shared between the husband and wife. It's times like these that make us closer and cause us to draw together. Honestly they are some of the most golden times we have together. So after almost a week of waiting Sunday came and we headed to church. 

We had opted to not tell our children. Thinking it best to keep it a secret and a surprise- we aren't really sure what we are getting into either so we couldn't definitively answer questions. 
My parents and grandmother were there as were many family members for the new bishop. It was crowded and Afton was a bear- getting teeth, an ear infection starting or just getting up to early she did not want to sit peacefully or quietly for a whole hour. The calls were made and we were asked to bear our testimonies. Along with the other bishopric members- Monte Saunders as bishop, and Jason Johnson as 1st counselor with Greg as second. A few fun facts- 2 Saunders descending from grandfathers who were brothers and also bishops of this ward. 2 red heads- classmates and lifelong peers who both served in the London England South mission although never as companions. I have once even mistaken the other red-head for my husband oops. 

I remember this turning point growing up. My dad was called as bishop when I was roughly 12 years old (I think?). I loved having him at all my activities and getting to know the ward members a bit more. It was also a struggle to have him gone a lot. It was great to grow close to his counselors and their families. My dad also changed a lot in the experience He became more patient and given to study. It was a good change for our family and made me all the more determined to marry a man who had a deep testimony like my dad. In fact it was Greg's spiritual strength that was one of the most attractive things that drew me to him when we first met. 

The bumps and reality of marriage sometimes cause my eyes to dim to that reality, but I always know he is a good man. I'm full of warts and witches hats too so I'm not claiming superiority just acknowledging slugging through the muddiness of life causes the glowing idealism of pre-marriage to be a remote remembrance. 

After sacrament meeting Greg was ordained a high priest by his father with my dad and the stake presidency standing in as well. It was a special moment. His father is a powerful spiritual leader and example. Greg comes from a long line of spiritually powerful men. Who lived humbly and happily working hard and raising crops and cows and families with their eye single to the glory of God. He has been surrounded by his father's faith in him since his early birth. Greg was an extreme preemie baby coming 10 weeks early. His grandfather encouraged his dad to give him a name a blessing and in preparation for his death. His father in a rare act of defiance proclaimed he would not he would bless him in church like is the norm and that his son would live and be fine. Greg went on to overcome great life challenging odds in the first few months of life but through the determination and strong spirit he has always possessed and his mother's endurance he survived and thrived and grew into this wonderful man I love.

It was great to watch the new calling settle on Greg's shoulders as he taught our group discussion for 5th Sunday. He will do great, grow and give much.
One little illustration- I was talking with his mom about how glad  I am that he gets to learn from this bishop. She responded that Greg has so much to give! I smiled inside, a mother's love is still the biggest champion a kid can have. I would have said the exact same thing about my son. I need to work harder to champion my husband as fiercely as I do my kids.

Our kids main concern was were we both going to be gone for meetings. I told them probably not that we were going to be switching back to mom being home and dad being gone. They were relieved.
Other than that life goes on. We are 6 weeks from baby. No canning on the horizon for this week, I think, well maybe some pickles. And just planning to prepare for back to school, enjoy our cousins and do the normal other farm and home stuff. Life is good even as it constantly pulls and pushes new adventures, challenges and opportunities. We are blessed.