Sunday, August 28, 2016

8.28.16 Filling Up

No pictures because my hands have been full and my legs have been tired. We have been filling up jars as fast as we can!! Ha-ha.
I love this time of year. I especially love the unity and skill my children are exhibiting. I have been mostly sitting and watching them can and am awed and frustrated with the experience. They do so well and they disappear so fast. But the kiddos have taken this project from start to finish and I am thankful for their skill in providing for our way of life for the coming year.
Baby is filling me up. I'm just waiting and working to be positive, realistic, patient, and restful.
I'm slowly checking things off the list that have to be done. Canning looked done. We did peaches, fruit cocktail, jam, and spaghetti sauce last week. Then we went and picked or purchased more peaches. Oh drat! So we may be doing some late night canning this week.
All in all though we are just preparing to meet this new member of our family! "I am so excited!" is my new phrase I repeat every time some scared or apprehensive thought creeps in. It's been so comforting to have the big kids home- they are so capable and helpful. I'm so thankful they are trained to cook, clean, launder, care for, converse with, think and play. Life is good and we are blessed and someday soon we will start the journey again with this new patient little one. God is good to give us chances to learn and learn again. Best to you.

1 comment:

  1. I decided that if you have a girl you should name her Aspen. :)
