Tuesday, August 16, 2016

8.16.16 Space Camp

Harold had another adventure this summer. He attended the first aerospace camp hosted at the local community college. It was a great adventure. It was hard to part with my right hand guy for a week but in an effort to spark his imagination and desire to care about all the hum drum of school we felt it an important sacrifice. He spent an afternoon listening and learning from an astronaut who spent 6 months in the space station in 2014. Can you imagine that long in space?

He single handledly built and programmed a robot from scratch! Loved that! HE worked with drones and mapping and they explored the local air museum ate really well and learned various other air things. So thankful for the many minds and hands that go into these special programs and praying hard for a better school experience this year. If only science class could be as exciting and real as science camp.

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