Monday, August 8, 2016

7.8.16 cousins

We had a full week of cousins! It was fun and tiring. We ate a bunch, played more, and worked a little. With almost 50 cousins there are a lot of personalities, energy, and enthusiasm when more than 20 get together. This time we had 32 cousins plus an added shirttail cousin. Thank goodness for nice weather we could spread out around the lawn and farm- so much more manageable and pleasant than being cooped up in the house.. The little kids enjoyed eating out doors picnic style. The mosquitoes enjoyed the extra kids too they came out with a vengeance last week unfortunately! The cats did clean-up of spills and leftovers it was a win for everyone.  

They liked playing in the dirt even more. These industrious guys and one girl cousin are loosening the soil to make towns in the dirt.

The swing was in constant motion we need about 5 more to meet the demand. Kids would wait and wait for a minute ride in the swing. Amazingly no little ones were knocked over or out.

Aunt Brenda's pancakes were requested almost daily I think. She is a great cook and a pre-planned menu helped to ease the concern and time required to feed such a crew. Paper plates and silverware were a huge help eliminating hours spent washing dishes.

This is a smattering of the littles. My girls are sure missing the constant action of cousins. They had fun playing dolls and moms and in the water and who knows what other games they came up with. They get along pretty well.

The older kids playing qwirkle. Grandma Sue loves games and taught her daughters to enjoy them as well. Aunt Brenda was coaching several of these players as they learn the nuances and strategies of the game. She said it was a challenge to play her self in so many different scenarios.

For the younger set Parcheesi. An oldy but goody! And a great way to learn some sportsmanship while someone else blocks your way!!

A ticket to ride is another popular choice. I love how boardgames make you talk and think. The kids likewise love the competition and the break from outdoor activity.
We had some fireworks one dark evening the kids were not aware that they are so loud. They ran through the sprinklers and picked beans and dug out pivots. They rode four wheelers and did chores. It is a great mix of work and play enhanced with cousins who aren't use to such activities. The shirt-tail cousin even set a siphon tube by sucking on it while working with Anna! That is not the preferred or taught way he was just being a goon.
It's fun to have the visits and develop relationships. Now to get ready for back to school!

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