Friday, August 19, 2016

8.18.16 Just waiting...

With kids back in school life is sure different. A friend asked if I just sit and wait all day for them to come home. Well sort of. I found the little girls at the end of the driveway and insisted they come back. They found the mud puddle and since it was in the shade and I didn't want to wash dishes I sat and observed while snapping some pictures to show Greg later. 

Afton is hollering here. I am woman hear me roar! All good outside away from my ears.

Then Millie found some nice silty mud.  My friend had also stated science has found mud to have many anti-depression, anti-anxiety qualities and that it is really good for us to be in the dirt and mud. Therapeutic play I guess.

Then I got a mud rub on my legs. Never let my kids do that before. It wasn't bad they were thrilled to include mom.

I have very soft legs now Afton was intent on bringing handful after handful to my legs to rub them down. It occupied her and I thought why not, isn't this bonding or accepting them where they are at?

After getting muddy clothes I told them to clean off in the hose. Which became a water spree. All good. Two hoses two girls up the hill no problem.

Until Afton was parked on my legs on the hill and Livy brought the sprinkler in chase of Millie and couldn't resist mom the sitting duck talking to dad on the phone trying to send out a group text to people to let them know about an after school activity. And so big mom got wetted down too.

When everyone is home Addie, Mark, Reed, or John would have been the players and recipients. Today it was mom. I have pictures of Anna, Harold and maybe Aliza playing in the water when they were little. I haven't been in the action much since then. Although I am wet- not bad on a hot day- my legs are exfoliated, we are all clean and really it's good to be more centered on these little busy people. Thank goodness for deadlocks on my doors. I hope they contain them for a while.

Yesterday we were more reserved and just read a lot of books, after cleaning and washing and doing laundry for hours. It's a lot of work to run this show alone!

The girls are enjoying Aliza's forgotten lunch. They had a picnic at home. So far my plan to establish myself as the boss with them is still on shaky ground, but maybe the tactic is more if you can't beat them join them... or just try to keep them safe, or just love them for where they are at?

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