Monday, August 1, 2016

8.1.16- Changes

We got an ominous call to meet with the stake president last week. We knew a change was coming in our bishopric and knew the implications of such a meeting. After the call was extended with a bit of a sigh of relief, we worked through the rest of the week. Preparing, pondering, and pausing often to check to see if the other was ok. There are so many and so few experiences in a marriage that are only shared between the husband and wife. It's times like these that make us closer and cause us to draw together. Honestly they are some of the most golden times we have together. So after almost a week of waiting Sunday came and we headed to church. 

We had opted to not tell our children. Thinking it best to keep it a secret and a surprise- we aren't really sure what we are getting into either so we couldn't definitively answer questions. 
My parents and grandmother were there as were many family members for the new bishop. It was crowded and Afton was a bear- getting teeth, an ear infection starting or just getting up to early she did not want to sit peacefully or quietly for a whole hour. The calls were made and we were asked to bear our testimonies. Along with the other bishopric members- Monte Saunders as bishop, and Jason Johnson as 1st counselor with Greg as second. A few fun facts- 2 Saunders descending from grandfathers who were brothers and also bishops of this ward. 2 red heads- classmates and lifelong peers who both served in the London England South mission although never as companions. I have once even mistaken the other red-head for my husband oops. 

I remember this turning point growing up. My dad was called as bishop when I was roughly 12 years old (I think?). I loved having him at all my activities and getting to know the ward members a bit more. It was also a struggle to have him gone a lot. It was great to grow close to his counselors and their families. My dad also changed a lot in the experience He became more patient and given to study. It was a good change for our family and made me all the more determined to marry a man who had a deep testimony like my dad. In fact it was Greg's spiritual strength that was one of the most attractive things that drew me to him when we first met. 

The bumps and reality of marriage sometimes cause my eyes to dim to that reality, but I always know he is a good man. I'm full of warts and witches hats too so I'm not claiming superiority just acknowledging slugging through the muddiness of life causes the glowing idealism of pre-marriage to be a remote remembrance. 

After sacrament meeting Greg was ordained a high priest by his father with my dad and the stake presidency standing in as well. It was a special moment. His father is a powerful spiritual leader and example. Greg comes from a long line of spiritually powerful men. Who lived humbly and happily working hard and raising crops and cows and families with their eye single to the glory of God. He has been surrounded by his father's faith in him since his early birth. Greg was an extreme preemie baby coming 10 weeks early. His grandfather encouraged his dad to give him a name a blessing and in preparation for his death. His father in a rare act of defiance proclaimed he would not he would bless him in church like is the norm and that his son would live and be fine. Greg went on to overcome great life challenging odds in the first few months of life but through the determination and strong spirit he has always possessed and his mother's endurance he survived and thrived and grew into this wonderful man I love.

It was great to watch the new calling settle on Greg's shoulders as he taught our group discussion for 5th Sunday. He will do great, grow and give much.
One little illustration- I was talking with his mom about how glad  I am that he gets to learn from this bishop. She responded that Greg has so much to give! I smiled inside, a mother's love is still the biggest champion a kid can have. I would have said the exact same thing about my son. I need to work harder to champion my husband as fiercely as I do my kids.

Our kids main concern was were we both going to be gone for meetings. I told them probably not that we were going to be switching back to mom being home and dad being gone. They were relieved.
Other than that life goes on. We are 6 weeks from baby. No canning on the horizon for this week, I think, well maybe some pickles. And just planning to prepare for back to school, enjoy our cousins and do the normal other farm and home stuff. Life is good even as it constantly pulls and pushes new adventures, challenges and opportunities. We are blessed.

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