Thursday, August 18, 2016

8.17.16 Running through the last days

We have had packed days trying to get the most work accomplished before the lazy days of school. From  cramming with Reed to canning peaches to sorting clothes and cleaning we have been pushing hard. We took a day off to go to the church orchard to pick peaches. I love those opportunities. The kids were going to be gone on their annual rodeo outing and they are such good workers I just couldn't let them miss out. So after a quick midwife appointment- I lost 2 lbs!!- we went and picked for an hour. This experience was a real testament to the Lord's orchard vs. others and things that are prayed over. 
Look at that peach!

Hopefully our baby's head won't be much bigger than that peach. It was the largest peach we found that day but most were at least softball size. Gorgeous fruit on short trees where all the picking was within arms reach, no ladders required!! Beautiful and fun time to be with my crew.

Super picker showing his muscles. John is a fastidious worker. He mostly stays till his job requirement is done. I love this about him.

Later that night Greg and I returned with the little girls. One of his new responsibilities is getting our ward to the orchard and there are few things more annoying than being asked to come to a project and the asker not showing up to work too. It was a nice evening and nice to visit with adults and kids from our ward. I think we have helped people see kids are total assets on service projects. While they may not work as efficiently it's so good to be together as a family working, visiting, and sharing an experience. The orchard is a fairly secluded safe spot so even little people are just fine.

As we drove we pointed out the red sunset to Livy. She demanded we take a picture like Aunt Brenda. I don't take pictures of nature much because I have so many family pictures. But she is probably correct in insisting we be more grateful for such beautiful sights. Love that my kids are taught by great aunts and uncles.

I concur with Afton. It's been a mad dash trying to get everything done. We got it done enough. Today is strangely quiet and peaceful and ok. It is always hard to send the kids off, but I know they will come hiome proud and full of stories tonight. They have a need to grow and stretch too. So nap time and run time again keeping them up till bed time, listening and coralling the energy and tiredness. Life is good I am hugely blessed to have so many to experience this life of learning with. Best to you today.

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