Monday, August 15, 2016

8.15.16 Canning time again

Ahh the mad dash to cram everything in before the ominous sounding of the first school day bell. Too much to do and so little time. We went and picked peaches and blackberries last week. So delicious! Since I rarely post pictures (because he is always somewhere else on the farm) of Mark here's one of him post picking. The boys were first to fill their bucket of berries. Bless the scientist who came up with thornless blackberries. We made lots of mixed berry jam.

A happy little one. All the peaches, and berries her tummy could hold no one stopped her as we were all working. No problem she did fine. I think they may have lost money on our picking we ate a lot berries. The vines were loaded and it was lunch time.

The first batch! Many hands make light work and a big mess- but they mostly cleaned it up!

We listen to conference talks at least two, but generally a whole session before we turn on Pandora.  Playing name that tune with musicals and various Disney songs. It is fun to sing along and makes the time pass. I love the tidbits the kids glean from the conference talks and I love the calm spirit it brings. Thanks to my mom for a wonderful Bluetooth speaker that is loud enough to be heard over the bedlam going on.

They were pretty ambitious for the first hour or so. In fact so much so that they had to be shewed out of the kitchen so we could catch up and get jars finished off. The 2nd round up was more difficult. It's so frustrating that no matter how many or few you attempt to do there is always a big mess. Oh well it's good memories and important to learn to work together. We have enjoyed peach pie, peach jam, peaches and oatmeal, and lots of peaches this weekend. Love this time of the year fresh vegetables from the garden and fresh fruit from local stands. It's the best. I think we did about 70 quarts of peaches. 15 pints of berry jam and 6 pints of peach jam. Lots more to go but it's a start. 

The girls survived canning and got to go to the drag races with friends. They love watching the races. Aliza had a successful shopping spree and we are now one step closer to being outfitted for back to school. She is made because I make them leave their books home when going with friends. So mean to expect them to talk to real people! Oh well such is my job to be a mean mom!

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