Monday, April 3, 2017

4.3.17 Spring! forward

Today is eerily quiet as my rambunctious household is dolled back into their respective desks at school or is still sleeping. The morning after a nice long break is always depressing and relief, Simultaneous sadness and peace. I'm not sure what we did with our 10 days of spring break. I know the weather was foul and the days were not gentle waking when we were ready after enjoying a movie the night before after work and study and reading and cleaning or serving. The week prior to break we were able to get outside. 

Harold is getting or remains very strong. His new feat is climbing the rope hanging from the tree. He does not use the ladder just the younger brothers. He climbs the rope 2-4 times a day. Quickly before school before bed when he gets home. He's wearing out the gloves around here.
Going on a walk with mom. These funny girls love to be outside!

And to the rescue the 4 wheeler. Not sanctioned by the 4 wheeler company or wagon manufacturer. I love the smiles. I love that they love each other and that we are able to be a family.

It makes me thankful that even after a week of struggling together the kids were sad to go back to school today. I had to explain last night to their incredulous stares we are a strong family. Greg and I are happily married. That fighting and disagreeing mean we have brains and we are working towards solutions and compromise. I told them we were all growing up and learning. They were surprised! That's sad, that's life, and that's just how life rolls.
We are all working hard and trying to become better. I little realized how much I wouldn't know when I became the boss. I'm thankful for gentle reminders and kind love given through the mouths of Prophets and leaders. And I'm thankful for a forgiving husband and children. Now to submit my will and too sharp temper and tongue to the better way of the Savior and to move forward. Best to you today.

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