Wednesday, August 23, 2017

8.23.17 Holdin' On

This time of year is full of gathering, sorting, backing, packing, boiling, pressuring, and generally preparing for the year ahead. We have spent the month of August picking and preserving what we can and preparing for the school year. A normal shopping day is my 4 helpers a bulging cart and a crazy attempt to be patient while mentally remembering my long list, not running over anyone or thing, and balancing the ever expanding grocery purchases. Not my favorite way to spend a day.

Because we have been so busy The little ones get left with some big kids while I go work with groups of older kids. It was nice and crazy. So when I got home Bruce insisted we sit and cuddle, he is after all still a baby and does for a few minutes need his mama.

Making use of some huge zucchini we discovered in the garden. The chocolate zuchinni bread was so delicious.

A quick picture of the bounty around us. Beets from a dear friend. Beans beans and more beans! Cucumbers, zucchini, and one of the chickens Greg butchered months ago. We are so blessed.

Actually I'm so thankful for this little guy who still loves to be snuggled and for each of my little people who reminds me I need to slow down and focus on them in between all the produce and process of living. Life is good. Not sure if I can say I'm living the dream, but  we are living well with lots of love.

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