Monday, February 19, 2018


 My youngest class member is intent on being just one of the group. He loves to scripture search and write on the chalkboard. Gotta get him in nursery but for now he's super cute copying the big kids.

All that church learning means tired guys at home. One day he snuggled up with big brother and took a nap. Bruce sure wakes up easier than Harold. 
And this weekend is a chess tournament so we broke out the chess set and checked out some books and are working on our chess skills. Not sure if it will help or not but the kids are excited to go try their minds against others in the valley.  

I have no pictures but this Saturday we started getting text about 9:50 asking if our power was out. We were helping with a community function and hadn't made it home. When we got their we saw flickers of light through the otherwise dark house. The kids had found the candles and a few flashlights and were doing well. We had water stored to flush toilets and brush teeth and were able to manage quite well. So thankful to have passed the preparedness test. We had not had a chance to have our valentines candle dinner but I think the hour of candle time that night was a fine substitute this year. Wax melts a lot. We need to check our water jugs as the water mysteriously depletes over time. All in all the situation was fine, some kid shad slept through it other worriers waited till we were safely home. We enjoyed candle light scriptures read via lighted up cell phone and slept well in the dark. Might answer a lot of tired problems if we went to bed within an hour of dark everynight!

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