Monday, February 5, 2018

2.5.18 Other Success

In the wake of the heartbreak of one is the beautiful sunshine of success for others. I got a very special letter in the mail regarding an award Reed received from his teacher for persistence in spite of great difficulties reading and writing. A few days earlier he had brought home a reading test with the score of 100%! That was a first for him!! (excuse the blurry fever laden child we have colds here).

On the way in the door to the speech contest I got word that John had gotten a spot on the OBOB team. He had faced fierce opposition from the girls challenging him and had been advised by Aliza to work harder and read more than them so he could make the team. He took that to heart and gained the #2 spot behind Aliza at #1. Another hard won victory as he too was a struggling reader years ago.

And then there is this sweet experience anytime Bruce can manage it. Going to feed the calves with Mark. Bruce loves being a boy and doing boy activities with his big brothers. He dons pink boots (Afton's) and heads to the barnyard to watch the calves enjoy bottles of warm milk. He understands bottles just passing from this ritual himself. 

So you win some you loose some and you keep going. One foot in front of the other breathing throughout. The emotional duress of motherhood is very strong. I'm thankful we have highs and lows and not just an abundance of one or the other. 

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