Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2.21.18 Bows

Harold has the opportunity to learn bow making from a master craftsman in our ward. He set up these classes and has been spearheading the effort to put in the required time to make a custom bow from scratch by hand under this mans tutelage! I can't say much about the process other than it takes a lot of time to sand and shape the bow and the boys ability to do the process. I told Harold he will be really smart if he take the opportunities given to learn from master's around him. People who know a lot and are very good at some skill.
So far he is doing well. He is learning to take time to learn from many different men in that category. He is super motivated to complete this project. He has learned that patience and diligent effort are required for the project to be perfect. I'm thankful for people willing to share their time and knowledge with kids. This will be a treasure when done not just the bow- which may break- but the ability to craft an object with your own hands and to be humble enough to learn from others. And the many hours spent visiting with this wise man learning life lessons will impact Harold forever. Life is good!

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