Thursday, February 1, 2018

2.1.18 Around the house

As our house continues to weather the battle of a large family we had a small remodel project come together in the past few weeks. Our granite counter did it's ten years and then crumbled into disuse. This called for some repairs. We opted for Stainless steel. So far we really like it. 

The kids of course exploit any new features and really enjoyed the time we were trying to replace the sink fixtures. Random anomalies to the way things normally are make good diversions to boring winter life.

And we have a resident artist, Livy,  who views any large white areas as canvases needing decoration. She is detailed and advanced in her thinking. I mentioned the babies she puts in tummies now she's working on accessories:earrings, shoes, tights, ponytails. I love her creative side. She assures me she's going to be an artist when she grows up. She adores Anna drawing pictures for her to copy and color. It won't be long before she will be doing the same. It's inspiring to watch my children's talents appear and rapidly develop. 

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