Saturday, February 24, 2018

2.24.18 The little Prince and his court

I found a great talk from 1989? By M. Russell Ballard issuing a warning about TV. Transferring that slightly to include all technology of today I have been surprised how accurate he was. Prophetic?! A few quotes that really stood out-

"Before television, children played together more often, played outdoors more, spent more time being creative and inventive, and read more. Parents and children spent more time together, talked together more, shared more joint projects and chores, and ate more meals together. "

Playing Anna from a movie. I too am working on curbing my screen time it's easy to get sucked into to the multitude of nothing online. I'm trying to pay attention more.

" Children’s minds are like banks—whatever you put in, you get back 10 years later with interest."

Bruce discovered blocks and loves the challenge of stacking them. He will play nicely for quite a while if his sisters will let him be. Of course that's not an often occurrence they insist he share or do other things with them. 

Like this game they love to play. Run Bruce around the tile in a chair. He of course loves it too! With that many willing runners he's entertained all day long!

And if they get tired of that there's always something to sneak like whipped cream or egg whites.

Even if mom says no, its still delicious. He's really beginning to understand language and loves to tease A LOT!

And then he falls asleep amid the fun and games and we lay him in bed to rest for the next adventure and round of entertainers.

During January I worked a lot at the computer. During other months I spend a ot of time canning or worrying/working on other projects. The kids had gotten back into the habit of TV watching or starfall watching. Okay and necessary diversions for the season but now I am in a lull between activities and it's been good and intentional to turn off the technology for them and me and let them be. So they make more messes, and we work to learn to clean up messes, we talk and read more, and I watch their creativity. This was a final quote from that talk 
"I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.” (John 17:15.).
I pray the same thing. I'm working to have our home a place of peace and joy. A place that although not stylish or tidy is comfortable and loving. A place where we love and learn and rest from the cares of the world. Hopefully this will help keep them safe from the evil of the world. 

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