Friday, February 23, 2018

2.23.18 Arrow of Light

Another boy has graduated on from cub scouts into boy scouts. I was honestly a little sad yesterday as I prepared cakes alone knowing that we would not be counseling together on how to design his farm idea. Mark has earned almost all the awards cub scouts had to offer. He was friendly, willing, and loved the program. He was blessed with great leaders and grew a lot in his 3 years. 

Yet on the cusp of one graduation is one entering. This is a small glimpse at the up and coming scouts. Reed will be in there in a few weeks.

The supportive family enjoying the festivities. It was a long evening but fun to celebrate these boys enthusiasm and learning. That is a toy drill Bruce if playing with.

The highlight of the evening was a special arrow of light ceremony with visiting indian warriors. The program was meaningful and entertaining. In a roomful of small children and babies the quiet was indicative of the awe they inspired. Mark and Eli received their awards together. Now on to the boy scout adventures. The most recent activity left Mark a giggly mess. All in all it was a great night we are proud of our great son and thankful for the man he is working to become. 

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