Thursday, August 16, 2018

8.16.18 Tit for Tat

On top of all the work and activity of last week there were some pretty close calls here as well. All were accidents that children had been warned numerous times to no do. OF course mom/dad was ignored and so we learned the hard way.
Reed was swinging a hoe and clipped the corner of Afton's eye. She sported a pretty purple eye and a nice scab thankfully her eye was completely unharmed. 

A few days later Reed was completing his job of burning the paper garbage and his sister was doing her usual playing with a burning stick and flung a piece of hot plastic onto Reed's bare foot. He immediately screamed out and we got him in cold water. He remained soaking for the next 10-12 hours. The burn is healing slowly as they do.  

 Harold carrying Reed into the kitchen from outside to begin his day of soaking. Yes our house is a mess in progress. We are running very fast here and clean-up time happens daily but so does bringing more and more in to process. Accidents push the pause button then we resume working.  A long winters nap sounds dreamy!! So tit for tat good karma bad karma. Not sure which is the best description but hopefully they will be more careful and learn to listen a little more next time.

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