Friday, August 17, 2018

8.17.18 Onions

We got a call to help my brother move some onions. SO we loaded up the car with kids, and borrowed a few more, and headed to the hot onion field.
Afton wanted to try being an onion and got a ride in the bucket. 

 Because of the slope of the field we moved the onions about 20-30 feet back from where they grew so they wouldn't get squished by the machines in the background. This was not a hard job just tedious. But many hands make light work. 13 kids did well despite the 100 or so it was outside.

And the kids have asked daily since if they could go back. BEing the fair weather person I am these days not until it is under 90 degrees. Which might be OCtober. Or until another call comes in requesting help then we will go and do what is asked. Until then we will continue canning and canning.

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