Monday, August 13, 2018

8.13.18 Fair

The fair seems to be such a distant memory time is flying here with each day more jam packed than the rest. We have literally been making several types of jam but that's another post. 
The kids took 6 pigs. 4 made weight and 2 did not. Heavy or not all required the same amount of care and concern during the hot long days of fiar. THe first stop after arrival and each morning was the wash racks. Some pigs enjoyed the bath and some did not. We washed them to pretty pigs with the help of VO5 strawberry shampoo and conditioner (it helps their skin??!) 

Again this proved to be a family affair. The kids did well working together getting their jobs done, and then because they are not accustomed to sitting around especially at 6:30 in the mornign they cleaned their fellow 4-H'ers pens too. My saintly mother housed and fed these busy bees for the week. I so appreciated her generous hospitality, and I did try to convince the kids they did not need to be on site before 6 but they persisted and my mom obliged their wishes.
The showing looked a lot like this.

 Addie got a showmanship ribbon. She was intent on the judge and trying to do it just right!

Our cousins came to see our piggies. This little one was watching pig demonstrate his soothing skills. He found that under the back leg is the sweet spot for pigs. Rubbed there and they will fall over in contentment. Who knew these muddy wild animals could clean up so well. Lots of scrubbing and brushing for the week made for pretty piggies.

Harold also entered some metal cutouts he had made this year. He got a first and two seconds.

The kids had a great time being with friends and enjoying fair food. It was a long long week of hot days and running back and forth. A lot was learned and experienced.

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