Wednesday, August 22, 2018

8.22.18 Summer wrap up

We wrung the life out of the August days of summer. From irrigating with a neighbor and the younger kids enjoying his good old steel toys, to a quick temple trip, to a glorious day of rafting it was a great time!

Taken moments before the wagon tipped and Bruce ended up in the mud puddle on his right. I was in process of telling them he was too big for the small wagon. But gravity taught that lesson far more memorably in just a few seconds.

John grew a lot this summer he's taller than me now and working toward overcoming Greg as well.
John is a truly delightful person to be around. His easy going personality and witty outlook bring many a smile to this dad's face. 

Harold playing with baby BEcca his cousin before starting his excursion out on the river.

Funny how times change. Growing up we occasionally wore shirts with swimsuits when doing water activities, but never long shorts and long shirts. Times and better education have sure taught us the hazards of sun exposure! Or maybe just living with a houseful of super white skin children and dreading them all moaning in pain from sunburns has made us wiser. Pleased with their obedient choices this day!!

My adventurous dad graciously took my kids to the trip. I was worn out from a full weekend and felt I should probably be responsible for the kids who were sick at my house. He took the 5 well kids and kept them safe. I love how he is always willing to jump into whatever the fun thing of the year is. He sacrifices a lot personal needs on the farm and time resting to be with kids. It's always more fun and reassuring to have him along. Thanks Dad for many great memories!

Anna and Harold manning their own water craft. They were both sore for a few days after. 

The trip! My brother in-law and his dad and brother were heros for rowing the kids for almost 4 full hours. That is a MIGHTY workout. And they were happy to do it. We have been blessed by all the fun knowing people that we get to call family. Thank you to them for willingly inviting us. It was a great day trying a new sport that the kids all hope they can do again!

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