Friday, August 24, 2018

8.23.18 show hosts?

It was a long week! So much to do, so much not done, and so much more completed. One night while we were on round two of scripture study- we are having to run multiple bedtimes here for the different ages and activities and these two were just having the best time being together. They reminded me of daytime talk show hosts. 

Oh we have some big personalities here! A few new personality quirks that only independence have brought to life, and a lot of adjusting to the many directions and places we are going. I'm beat! From studying and preparing lesson plans and trying to refresh my understanding of important gospel doctrines, to getting nightly reading and paper signing done coupled with all day of cooking, planning, purchasing, and cleaning it was  a full week.

The kids rejoiced when they got back together at night. Bruce even had a pretty decent mud battle with his sisters. He was the happiest about the outcome.
And while farmer REed went to school the deer have come out in hungry excitement in his pumpkin patch. 

They have started to devour his pumpkins. The melons aren't ripe yet so they have left those alone, but sure enough as soon as they are ripe the deer will be taste testing them too.
We do not love deer here. They eat the corn and the produce while we sleep. Hunting season can't come fast enough as the quieter days have emboldened our 4 legged horned enemies.

The boys are building a fence right now to hopefully preserve some of the remaining harvest. Oh well life in the country is full of pests and adversity but it's worth the effort to enjoy some of the fruits of summer. Maybe that's the real take away of this week. Education and mental training is full of adversity, challenge, and diverse paths to success but the end result is worth the pain and endurance. Who would have thought the deer problem would be enlightening? Not I.

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