Tuesday, August 21, 2018

8.21.18 Curious WORK-manship

We were admonished this past Sunday to work our children. That by so doing we were crafting families of curious (unique/fine) workmanship.

A week ago I got a call from a dear friend asking for young help to set up tables and chairs for a large funeral. I said yes and passed it on to the big kids and their friends. As the days drew closer and the response was silent we worried about enough people showing up to get the job done. Plan B came into action and we rallied the family, just in case. 

When we got to the venue there were big kids! However the little kids didn't want to miss out on the action and soon found they could also help. 

 This guy stole the show. He loves to help.

 These two did more.

These found a spot to help, even just holding the door from slamming shut.

 Letting the big kids do the heavy lifting. There a lot of tables and chairs! And because of the location- the fire hall they couldn't be fully set-out until the next day. We moved, and then moved the chairs and tables again and again. Thank goodness for so many kid volunteers.

 Dragging chairs got the job done almost as well as carrying them. And each one moved is another done.

And at the end when the big kids washed and sanitized tables the little kids took a break on the weight equipment.

The mourning family has been so good to ours. The widow has been our school librarian for the past 7 years. We have gained a vast library of books and movies thanks to her incentive program along with ice cream sundays, weekly bags of popcorn, quarterly pizza parties, and mostly a real love and desire to read! It was a blessing to be able to serve her in this time of need. It was an additional delight that the children of the deceased were so thoughtful as to learn my kids names and to take an interest in them while decorating and moving tables and chairs again and again. These were days when I was reminded how wonderful it is to be part of a small town where people know and care about each other.
Again from our Sunday sermon "When you're helping you're happy!" It is so good to help others. Too often my summer days got mired in just worrying about tasks here at home. I lost sight of helping and interacting with others. This weekend was great because we spent a lot of time working with and visiting with others. As always I love walking into circumstances flanked by my many children and a few trusted kid friends and then making light work of huge projects. I love serving others and helping lighten their burdens!!  I hope the kids feel their power to do and be a tremendous force of good. I think they do. They had a great time and the request to take all the leftovers- desserts and yummy lemonade included- were perks of the day!  Life is good and so is working together.

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