Monday, August 20, 2018

8.20.18 Back to SChool

Man oh man if the whole school year is as full as today I'm going to need roller skates and rocket boosters on my car along with a healthy supply of power bars! -- I don't eat power bars they are like sawdust to me but something to keep the energy level up up UP!

Of course everyone was up bright and early ready for an exciting much worried about first day of school.The advice had flown back and forth here for the past few days about what to do in each class situation. The kids were anxious to just get started already. 

 I drive the kids to school the first day so the little kids were drug out of bed early and we all raced to school. Not sure which picture is best with that many it's hard to get everyone pretty in any one shot.

For memory sake Anna is grade 11, Harold grade 10, Aliza grade 9, John grade 7, MArk grade 6, Addie grade 5, Reed grade 3, Alivia grade 1, and Millie at home with me kindergarten, Afton and Bruce keeping it interesting here at home!

Our bubbly brave first grader ready to see what this school mystery is all about. She was super happy to go and didn't need to hold my hand on the way into the school. She made friends, enjoyed all the recesses and yummy lunch and is looking forward to library time tomorrow!
She told Millie the night before she really wanted to go to school because she wouldn't have to clean out the dishwasher at home anymore! I didn't tell her that's the youngest kid going to school job in the morning. No need to burst her bubble until tomorrow!!

Her teacher sent this later in the day.  Livy is my first first grader to not fall asleep before dinner on the first day of school. She's gonna do well this year I feel it in my bones!

I didn't have time to cry after dropping them off because we were dashing back to town to see our
 new high school freshman who had a special task ahead of her this morning. 
She had been asked to sing the national anthem to start off the back to school assembly on the first day of school. She was slated to sing at 8 am. That meant rushing the 15 minute drive to the elementary school and back so we could hear her sing. She did well and started off her high school career by showing her reputation for music prowess! I love her confidence and ability to step up and get the job done. 

Thank goodness for older siblings to tell her again and again when lunch is and how it's done, and reassuring her she would survive the hard teachers. It's nice to have older siblings. Watching the two consult these past few days made me wish we had been more patient and accommodating for the oldest as she fords the way for all that follow her. 

All in all positive reports from all the kids and several of the teachers. We really appreciate the efforts the teachers make to know our children and help them be successful learners. That truly is a talent to make learning fresh and exciting each year with each new batch of students and their individual needs, aptitudes, attitudes and class dynamics. We have been blessed with a lot of great ones. We end the day with grateful hearts and prayers and fall into bed to be up and ready to run the race again tomorrow.

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