Tuesday, August 11, 2020

8.11.20 Summer cousin fun

We are fortunate to have spent some time with our cousins this summer. They have fun houses and are a different scene than our own yard. How thankful we are for their invitations and patience. My dad celebrated his birthday with a family swim party. Of course he swam. Interesting that he went swimming with his very modest and reserved (at least to me) parents. My kids awe people as most Saunders proceeding my children do not know how to swim. 

Most swam but some did not, it is just so pleasant right now the weather is under 100 and is just begging to be enjoyed. 

The younger girls there are a lot of them, and they are friends. WE shop at the same stores and have matching swimwear on a couple of the girls. I love that they have such a good time together. 
Another evening we went to the reservoir and played in the water behind motor boats and on boats we could paddle or just float on. 

And the older girls discussing who knows what? Probably just relaxing. 
 Life is good in all this social distancing and isolation talk we are fortunate to be together with family quite often. Simple joys make for a pretty great day. I've been reading about places of retreat and fortifying armies and hearts. I like to think that these activities and friendships fall into those categories. 

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