Wednesday, August 19, 2020

8.19.20 More rodents

The kids found this near their garden a while back. Yuck! But I do much prefer dead rodents to alive ones. A juvenile pack rat we think. 
The garden has produced a lot of vegetables. Tomatoes and beets, carrots today, corn, zuchinni, green peppers, and green beans. Yum Yum! These kiddos have been persistent and working on weeding and cultivating almost everyday this extended summer break. 

We went to visit a dear gardening friend and her daughters shared their pet guinea pigs. More rodents. The kids love them I stay back and try to ignore they are petting giant gopher like animals. 

And my two big helpers. Love these two. They have grown so much this year emotionally and mentally along with physically they are becoming reliable skilled helpers. 
 As we work through the year we are now at canning season we are also attempting home school. These two plus Afton are my main focus this week, they are doing well and we are adatping to learning together. The toddlers are much more difficult to manage than the baby on top of the school requirements. I'm happy with the curriculum and happy with their progress and abilities.
 I got word today that after months of waiting and testing I am just lumpy in my throat I have no signs of cancer. I am beyond relieved. This has been an very physically challenging four months for me but now with the all clear we will proceed on free from worry and fear and tackle the next task at hand. Life is good. 

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