Thursday, August 13, 2020

8.13.20 Angel cake

We scored and got some eggs for about  65 cents a dozen. Therefore we have a lot of eggs and the plain old scrambled preparation gets old. Looking for a new eating style and looking to challenge the cook she tried making angel food cake from scratch. First cake she did alone almond flavor it was great! I mixed the second cake thinking i knew better with coconut flavor. Her cake consistency was better mine was more to our taste preference. 

Nice consistency if a bit heavy for angel food cake it was sill delirious and devoured! She is not happy to have her picture taken.

Lia loved getting to scrape the remains those tasty overdone parts that are just right! I was struck by the simple joy of it all. 


This summer has been an roller coaster ride waiting to know the future. From political events to personal health concerns it's been quickly up and down and then settle in to wait. I'm thankful beyond relieved that so far in all the tests and waiting, life looks to be pretty normal for the foreseeable future. The word cancer was a big question mark. I'm pretty hopefull and so far all signs indicated that is not the case. There is something to be gained from pondering if life is radically changing. 2 years ago when I had a similar experience while pregnant with Lia and was told she or I might not make it. It was similarly frightening and surreal. This time it was less panic and more worry. Today I see these small moments, bits of success, and general life as blessings we can be so normal. Boring is good! And we will thank God and all the angels that attend us, that for now we can just do our routine and enjoy some fresh homemade angel cake. 

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