Monday, August 24, 2020

8.24.20 A weekend runaway/family reunion

The family is of God. It is my primary focus and daily work. This weekend we took a rare opportunity to run to Twin Falls to visit with family and celebrate our 99th member a new bride for grandchild #4 Corey. Isn't that awesome 99 people in a family. These two are number 64 and 66. Newel and Merle. 

Breakfast the first morning. I love all the action and all the visiting. We love to chat. 

Anna got the flower arranging job. Addie helped by harvesting some greenery outside to help add some distinction to the bouquets. 

After Addie had her hair done for the day I couldn't pass up the chance to capture these two looking so similar. Aunt Denise and Addie. 

A random shot of the kids just playing and enjoying the beautiful summer day. 

I hope we have a lot more of these get togethers. It is so refreshing and important to strengthen each other, to relax, and to celebrate covenants made and families starting. Family is good. 

Bruce enjoying the balloons removed and shared from inside the groom's cool car. 

I love that kids rotate holding babies, playing, talking, helping. I love that Greg's Aunts are always available. This time I was consumed with babies of my own and soaking up conversations. It was so relaxing to be together and away from our troubles on the farm. 

It was also uncle Matt's birthday the horde around was super happy to help with that leftover wedding/birthday cake. 

The two hosts Kevin's house and cooking Kristi's party. 

A friendly football game. Notice even Bruce got to play. I so appreciate that the uncles are willing to play. The hard working dads rested for a change letting their tired bodies recouperate and recharge inside. 

Of course the day was rounded out by some target practice. Again facilitated by fun Uncles. 

Some weer tuckered out and some just didn't want them to miss out. This is Brenda's beautiful little Viv trying to wake sleepy Lia. 

Almost all the little boys waiting for dinner. Oldest is Reed at 10 youngest here is Jeddy Flake age 2. Bruce has been begging all day to go back and play with his cousins. 

 A normal weekend, traditions upheld bonds strengthened and renewed. Lessons learned, heads lifted and hands lightened. It's always good to get away and it's great to come home. All had a good time and were encouraged to keep on keeping on. It is far more important to be a family than hide alone. Even with the possibility of getting sick the love and unity that we felt is more important. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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