Sunday, August 9, 2020

8.9.20 Yardsales!!

I've been working to do some fun stuff with the younger bunch. I saw a post on facebook for a large garage sale. Garage sales were magical to me when I was a kid, unknown treasures abounded along with freedom to look at all kinds of beauties I had never dreamed of beforehand. Thus, I suggested we check it out on Saturday. The kids were excited yet innocent to the garage sale experience. Prior to attending we picked tomatoes and shared them with friends. We gave some to grandma Lasley who has an amazing collection of dolls. Livy loves to look at those lovely ladies. She stated she was going to get a doll at the sale. I cautioned her that she probably wouldn't be able to find a doll like grandmas but you never know. When we arrived I gave each child a dollar and told them to look before deciding. They wondered the tables wide eyed and dreaming of what would be best. 
My mom was there to help herd and we didn't loose anyone or break anything! They each found what they dearly wanted shown below. 
Reed found bags of cars and a bag of toy soldiers complete with a toy tank. I have been looking for some special toys for homeschool time. This was a major score. 
True to form Livy found a special pretty doll!  I found the shorts she's wearing modest, comfortable, and the right price. I love garage sales!
My maternal grandfather ws an especially great yardsaler. He helped outfit my older kids with toys and clothes for most of their young years. He had an especial knack for finding deals and great buys. 
 Millie got a clock radio which she was so pleased plays music. I found all three girls later in their room chilling listening to 80's rock music. Millie was hanging over the edge of her bed swinging her ponytail in pure delight. It was such a funny scene, but being the mom and not wanting to encourage raucous music in my home I told them to change the station and turn it down. 

Afton found a writing pad of paper she is so anxious and hopeful to learn all that her older sisters know. This makes me have hope for teaching her, hopefully she will learn quickly and easily! She also found a crown which she happily wears occasionally.

I also found some pants and a new tv/vcr combo that has proved essential for canning green beans. The jeans were a great find as Reed's pants just needed to be trashed. So now the girls watch for yard sale signs and want to check each one out. My grandparents would be pleased to see their bargain hunting legacy passed on. 

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