Wednesday, August 26, 2020

8.26.20 Feeding the masses

Family gatherings are never small and never sparse on food. The kids took a few pictures to document the weekend. We enjoyed tri-tip for three meals in a row! And lots of vegetables and funeral potatoes. No funerals just an easy side dish. We are blessed to live in such a land of plenty. This was taken right after church for the day. 

Plates prepared for all the little kids. 

We are hillbillies here we don't wash our shucked corn, but in a spirit of increased safety John and cousin Cobe washed all the corn available. This summer treat was the reward for finishing everything else on the plate. 

 Buffet style for the adults. There was lots of conversation, munching and filling of both body, mind, and heart. We are fortunate to have large family gatherings on both sides of the family, we are grateful for generous cooks and many willing hands. Life is good. 

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