Tuesday, April 20, 2021

4.20.21 The good stuff

Life feels pretty heavy right now. Trying to figure out financial things always weighs me down. I have learned life works out and I shouldn't be so concerned but if I don't worry and work through it it won't be ok. So here we sit working through another phone tree and hoping for the best. Yet as I try to use my time constructively and I look through pictures I see again and again the good stuff. The strength of married life, the challenge and peace of a family working through life together. The smiles of loving kids, the growls of frustrated personalities, the closeness of a lot of people in one space. 
This lady has a heart of gold. She loves unconditionally and completely. She accompanied us to visit some sad lonely ladies yesterday and she was so good to wrap her small arms around their wastes and show and tell them of her love for them. I admire her insight to love others. She is a bright spot in our home. 
We were all so happy to have Anna home. I'm sure she is where she needs to be at college but it was sure nice to have her back in the mix. 
Poor Addie is a minimalist and we just keep bringing stuff in. Mark has his assortment of movement aides. HE is doing well and has only slipped once. Addie "accidentally" poured some water on the floor that he amazingly found to slip on. "Oops," with a big smile she walked away. She's his biggest fan and mightiest foe. 
Lia trying to show us she can use crutches too. All the kids have tried hopping on one leg a time or three since Mark has been injured.

A throw back, on Harold's date they did not believe he came from such a large family. While I was driving the tractor I scrambled to find somethings showing all of us. Poor Aliza with her wisdom teeth smile. Yes we are many but we are blessed enormously. 

I'm thankful for strength from prayers. I'm thankful for having so much. Aliza was shocked when I informed her we officially fall well below the poverty line based on our family size. She said mom we have a house, clothes, food, we are not poverty. I agreed, we have all we need and then some. It takes effort and conscious choices, but we live an abundant life. For that I am so thankful! 

We were called upon to teach our young women confidence by the young women's president in our ward. I see my daughters as confident and capable. I don't believe confidence comes any other way but through expectations, experience, and example. I miss my kids who are called upon so often to go elsewhere but I'm also thankful that they are known to be who to call. I'm thankful they do a good job. I'm thankful for my husband's leadership and ability to take care of us and teach us to see and be the good stuff. We are blessed. 


Monday, April 19, 2021

4.19.21 Prom

While the fields needed disked, the neighbors needed help putting on a roof, and cars were waiting to be fixed Harold slipped away for a Prom far far away in Idaho. His cousin set up a date and begged him to come be part of his friend group. For some reason we consented and Harold after completing his State Automotive competition packed himself up and went to the date. 
He did spend 3 hours helping with roof after working late the night before on the broken cars. He has learned to work hard and knows that complaining doesn't change the fact the job has to be done. I love his ability to get things done. I'm so thankful for his competence and skills that have helped our family tremendously. 
I appreciate his willingness to keep his word, and the loyalty he displays to friends. Peers seek him out to advise and listen to him. He seeks after those that may not be seen by the masses. He's chosen to be good. He was delighted to present RC cars to his brothers this week. The high squeal of tires is a constant right now as the kids race cars and entertain the baby. 

All day we waited and wondered what he was doing now? Finally we got pictures and were thrilled to see such a lovely group of youth. There is always a lot of to, a lot of commitments to keep but there has to be time for some adventure and recreation. We are thankful for the many hands that made for a memorable experience. A big thank you to my dad for loaning Harold a suit so he could be appropriately attired. Harold even stands like my dad in some of these pictures. I hope that he will be like in more ways than just similar sized. I hope he will seek to be kind, wise, and thoughtful. We are blessed. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

4.18.21 Grandma's 80th

We celebrated my Grandma's 80th Birthday recently. It was a beautiful evening with all the family in one place. My mom and her mom. 
My grandma is my lifelong phone buddy. I have talked to her almost weekly. When I was little she would tell me what she ate and as an adult she keeps me in the loop of what's going on with family. 
She is superb at remembering birthdays. From the phone call before, to the day of she is awesome at making kids feel special. The kids love grandma and reading to her, visiting with her on the phone and at parties. She welcomes each one and is an avid supporter of their events. 
It is just so nice to be together enjoying each others company and a brief rest from the work of the week. 

The boys were teaching their cousins the farming game. It was a good competition. 
The younger set enjoys dressing up and dreaming up stories to act out. 

Older cousins helping the younger one do pullups on the garage door railing. 
We zoomed with my cousins who live in Washington. Grandma teared up seeing everyone around. 

My fun nephew made cake balls and chocolate cake. We all love chocolate and really enjoyed his offering. 
Grandma loves Chinese food so my kids had a taste experience. They loved the rice, noodles, and chicken. 

It also happened to be Merle Man's first birthday. Some sweet cousins offered to make him a cake. He was mostly interested in the people. They had a special candle  that was so fun. 

How thankful I am for the kindness and unity of family. These kids are blessed to have lots of fun and traditions. 
Grandma gave Man a fun toy truck and train. Mark has more time to spend with Merle, Man loves the added attention. 
The boys all had to try the trucks out. It was so good to have Anna home to be part of the parties. She is such a great influence of calm and wisdom. 

 I'm thankful for very enjoyable evenings like these. The calm, the laughs, the catching up are all restorative to the soul and determination. We are blessed by this fun loving very thoughtful octa-generian. She shares family history, she teaches appreciation of antiques, and she cares. She loves a lot. We are blessed to be a forever family. 

4.18.21 Farm Life

Life rolls on here on the farm. Life is happening and greening up. It's amazing how quickly the season changes and the demand to work is NOW! This little girl was a twin we saved the day Mark hurt his leg. The boys found the mother birthing she was the first twin, when the mother found she had two calves she stopped licking this one and went to the next baby. It was a cold windy day so we made the choice to bring her up dry her and feed her. Hence a project began. Thankfully she is doing really well. Millie is the primary feeder but this night Mark wanted to take a look and took a trip outside to check on her progress.
The nice thing about bottle calves is they follow the bottle pretty well so you can lead them around pretty easily. 

We have been anxiously keeping an eye on this baby. I take pictures of farm things to report to Boss Mark. Thankfully after some forced togetherness and a strong mothering instinct in the cow the calf is going well and growing fine- I think. 

My two farmers in the wings. They were watching the tractor and waiting for their turn to go outside. I love the bond of brotherhood between these two. I'm so grateful for the example of their older siblings that we are a team and we work together. I expect big things from these guys in the future too. 

Somehow Mark ended up in the tractor and helped Greg get the disk attached. He had the biggest smiles when I came upon the scene. 

Here he is teaching me how to run the disk. After several hours in the tractor I humbly concede he is far better at turning and general knowhow than I am. After a particular oops- he came out on the back of a four-wheeler slowly to help me adjust what I had adjusted the wrong way. He's fun to visit with and loves the farm. I learned a lot about the soil and lay of the land I did not know going up and down the rolling hills that are Pivot 1 on our farm. 

It is always interesting to do farm work again. I'm not the best and I'm not the worst. It is a beautiful world we live in. I'm thankful for the passengers and I'm thankful for the quiet time. I have hope and faith somehow we will survive this year and we will be blessed for our efforts. I know that even now we are fortunate to be training a group of workers. Both in the dirt and in the house and overall in our family. Some worked on a roof, some worked on repairs of irrigation problems, some did laundry and cooked, some held the baby, and some are just semi-responsible and  self-mange. I was trying to explain the bond and work that is sacred between husband and wife to grow a family.
 It is a hard experience to quantify into words, but it is a trust and series of decisions that lead to success, security, stress, swearing (maybe) and ultimately a life. It's not a good place to share or inject lots of outside voices. To us it's part of our commitment to be one. We are working to learn to work together, counsel together and help each other. 
While I worry I am confident in our team ability to meet the challenges and figure out a solution. I'm hopeful we are doing the right things at the right times and I'm prayerful the load will help us gain the lessons we need to become better selves. Life is full it is good. We are blessed. 


Tuesday, April 13, 2021

4.13.21 Easter

I'm pretty wiped out these days with lots going on and not enough happening. Thus the pictures tell the story. Livy cleaning up dye spilled before even one egg was colored. A tired mama overwhelmed with energetic anxious kids. 
Projects in the background I had thought maybe I might start. Patch some jeans, put together a simple quilt. Nope. My job is to wash dishes, cook food, and keep the laundry going. I take care of the baby some and try to piece together homeschool, bookkeeping, farm information, kid schedules, and primary for my ward. 

Job complete colored eggs and dyed hands. Happy kids!
Then we cut hair. Isn't their hair beautiful? I love the colors. That is three different heads all looks the same in the trash heap. 
The next day the kids were delights to find the eggs. 

We had a great time at the Corn family Easter party. It's always a good time to eat delicious food and enjoy catching up and learning from the family. 

The older kids help hide the eggs and then are gifted their own bags of candy they don't have to find. They too enjoy visiting and catching up with each other. 

The swing set is the favorite place to relax and fly. 

 We also enjoyed a lovely Easter egg hunt provided by Uncle Bryce and Aunt Alena. Their house is the favorite destination for my walking crew. They love to walk and run down the road to go jump on their trampoline. 

Just moments later or before this I was having a heart to heart with MArk about driving too fast and how I was going to ground him from spring farming if he didn't slow down. Infamous last words as just 4 days later we were sitting in the hospital getting his leg repaired. It's interesting looking back on pictures now that we have lived past them and seen where the story went. I see him standing on two good legs and almost want to cry. 
I'm so hopeful that he learns his lesson to slow down. Reed is driving slower. I'm thankful because I would hate to loose any of these cute kids. We are blessed.