Sunday, April 18, 2021

4.18.21 Grandma's 80th

We celebrated my Grandma's 80th Birthday recently. It was a beautiful evening with all the family in one place. My mom and her mom. 
My grandma is my lifelong phone buddy. I have talked to her almost weekly. When I was little she would tell me what she ate and as an adult she keeps me in the loop of what's going on with family. 
She is superb at remembering birthdays. From the phone call before, to the day of she is awesome at making kids feel special. The kids love grandma and reading to her, visiting with her on the phone and at parties. She welcomes each one and is an avid supporter of their events. 
It is just so nice to be together enjoying each others company and a brief rest from the work of the week. 

The boys were teaching their cousins the farming game. It was a good competition. 
The younger set enjoys dressing up and dreaming up stories to act out. 

Older cousins helping the younger one do pullups on the garage door railing. 
We zoomed with my cousins who live in Washington. Grandma teared up seeing everyone around. 

My fun nephew made cake balls and chocolate cake. We all love chocolate and really enjoyed his offering. 
Grandma loves Chinese food so my kids had a taste experience. They loved the rice, noodles, and chicken. 

It also happened to be Merle Man's first birthday. Some sweet cousins offered to make him a cake. He was mostly interested in the people. They had a special candle  that was so fun. 

How thankful I am for the kindness and unity of family. These kids are blessed to have lots of fun and traditions. 
Grandma gave Man a fun toy truck and train. Mark has more time to spend with Merle, Man loves the added attention. 
The boys all had to try the trucks out. It was so good to have Anna home to be part of the parties. She is such a great influence of calm and wisdom. 

 I'm thankful for very enjoyable evenings like these. The calm, the laughs, the catching up are all restorative to the soul and determination. We are blessed by this fun loving very thoughtful octa-generian. She shares family history, she teaches appreciation of antiques, and she cares. She loves a lot. We are blessed to be a forever family. 

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