Tuesday, April 20, 2021

4.20.21 The good stuff

Life feels pretty heavy right now. Trying to figure out financial things always weighs me down. I have learned life works out and I shouldn't be so concerned but if I don't worry and work through it it won't be ok. So here we sit working through another phone tree and hoping for the best. Yet as I try to use my time constructively and I look through pictures I see again and again the good stuff. The strength of married life, the challenge and peace of a family working through life together. The smiles of loving kids, the growls of frustrated personalities, the closeness of a lot of people in one space. 
This lady has a heart of gold. She loves unconditionally and completely. She accompanied us to visit some sad lonely ladies yesterday and she was so good to wrap her small arms around their wastes and show and tell them of her love for them. I admire her insight to love others. She is a bright spot in our home. 
We were all so happy to have Anna home. I'm sure she is where she needs to be at college but it was sure nice to have her back in the mix. 
Poor Addie is a minimalist and we just keep bringing stuff in. Mark has his assortment of movement aides. HE is doing well and has only slipped once. Addie "accidentally" poured some water on the floor that he amazingly found to slip on. "Oops," with a big smile she walked away. She's his biggest fan and mightiest foe. 
Lia trying to show us she can use crutches too. All the kids have tried hopping on one leg a time or three since Mark has been injured.

A throw back, on Harold's date they did not believe he came from such a large family. While I was driving the tractor I scrambled to find somethings showing all of us. Poor Aliza with her wisdom teeth smile. Yes we are many but we are blessed enormously. 

I'm thankful for strength from prayers. I'm thankful for having so much. Aliza was shocked when I informed her we officially fall well below the poverty line based on our family size. She said mom we have a house, clothes, food, we are not poverty. I agreed, we have all we need and then some. It takes effort and conscious choices, but we live an abundant life. For that I am so thankful! 

We were called upon to teach our young women confidence by the young women's president in our ward. I see my daughters as confident and capable. I don't believe confidence comes any other way but through expectations, experience, and example. I miss my kids who are called upon so often to go elsewhere but I'm also thankful that they are known to be who to call. I'm thankful they do a good job. I'm thankful for my husband's leadership and ability to take care of us and teach us to see and be the good stuff. We are blessed. 


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