Monday, April 19, 2021

4.19.21 Prom

While the fields needed disked, the neighbors needed help putting on a roof, and cars were waiting to be fixed Harold slipped away for a Prom far far away in Idaho. His cousin set up a date and begged him to come be part of his friend group. For some reason we consented and Harold after completing his State Automotive competition packed himself up and went to the date. 
He did spend 3 hours helping with roof after working late the night before on the broken cars. He has learned to work hard and knows that complaining doesn't change the fact the job has to be done. I love his ability to get things done. I'm so thankful for his competence and skills that have helped our family tremendously. 
I appreciate his willingness to keep his word, and the loyalty he displays to friends. Peers seek him out to advise and listen to him. He seeks after those that may not be seen by the masses. He's chosen to be good. He was delighted to present RC cars to his brothers this week. The high squeal of tires is a constant right now as the kids race cars and entertain the baby. 

All day we waited and wondered what he was doing now? Finally we got pictures and were thrilled to see such a lovely group of youth. There is always a lot of to, a lot of commitments to keep but there has to be time for some adventure and recreation. We are thankful for the many hands that made for a memorable experience. A big thank you to my dad for loaning Harold a suit so he could be appropriately attired. Harold even stands like my dad in some of these pictures. I hope that he will be like in more ways than just similar sized. I hope he will seek to be kind, wise, and thoughtful. We are blessed. 

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