Sunday, April 18, 2021

4.18.21 Farm Life

Life rolls on here on the farm. Life is happening and greening up. It's amazing how quickly the season changes and the demand to work is NOW! This little girl was a twin we saved the day Mark hurt his leg. The boys found the mother birthing she was the first twin, when the mother found she had two calves she stopped licking this one and went to the next baby. It was a cold windy day so we made the choice to bring her up dry her and feed her. Hence a project began. Thankfully she is doing really well. Millie is the primary feeder but this night Mark wanted to take a look and took a trip outside to check on her progress.
The nice thing about bottle calves is they follow the bottle pretty well so you can lead them around pretty easily. 

We have been anxiously keeping an eye on this baby. I take pictures of farm things to report to Boss Mark. Thankfully after some forced togetherness and a strong mothering instinct in the cow the calf is going well and growing fine- I think. 

My two farmers in the wings. They were watching the tractor and waiting for their turn to go outside. I love the bond of brotherhood between these two. I'm so grateful for the example of their older siblings that we are a team and we work together. I expect big things from these guys in the future too. 

Somehow Mark ended up in the tractor and helped Greg get the disk attached. He had the biggest smiles when I came upon the scene. 

Here he is teaching me how to run the disk. After several hours in the tractor I humbly concede he is far better at turning and general knowhow than I am. After a particular oops- he came out on the back of a four-wheeler slowly to help me adjust what I had adjusted the wrong way. He's fun to visit with and loves the farm. I learned a lot about the soil and lay of the land I did not know going up and down the rolling hills that are Pivot 1 on our farm. 

It is always interesting to do farm work again. I'm not the best and I'm not the worst. It is a beautiful world we live in. I'm thankful for the passengers and I'm thankful for the quiet time. I have hope and faith somehow we will survive this year and we will be blessed for our efforts. I know that even now we are fortunate to be training a group of workers. Both in the dirt and in the house and overall in our family. Some worked on a roof, some worked on repairs of irrigation problems, some did laundry and cooked, some held the baby, and some are just semi-responsible and  self-mange. I was trying to explain the bond and work that is sacred between husband and wife to grow a family.
 It is a hard experience to quantify into words, but it is a trust and series of decisions that lead to success, security, stress, swearing (maybe) and ultimately a life. It's not a good place to share or inject lots of outside voices. To us it's part of our commitment to be one. We are working to learn to work together, counsel together and help each other. 
While I worry I am confident in our team ability to meet the challenges and figure out a solution. I'm hopeful we are doing the right things at the right times and I'm prayerful the load will help us gain the lessons we need to become better selves. Life is full it is good. We are blessed. 


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