Tuesday, April 13, 2021

4.13.21 Easter

I'm pretty wiped out these days with lots going on and not enough happening. Thus the pictures tell the story. Livy cleaning up dye spilled before even one egg was colored. A tired mama overwhelmed with energetic anxious kids. 
Projects in the background I had thought maybe I might start. Patch some jeans, put together a simple quilt. Nope. My job is to wash dishes, cook food, and keep the laundry going. I take care of the baby some and try to piece together homeschool, bookkeeping, farm information, kid schedules, and primary for my ward. 

Job complete colored eggs and dyed hands. Happy kids!
Then we cut hair. Isn't their hair beautiful? I love the colors. That is three different heads all looks the same in the trash heap. 
The next day the kids were delights to find the eggs. 

We had a great time at the Corn family Easter party. It's always a good time to eat delicious food and enjoy catching up and learning from the family. 

The older kids help hide the eggs and then are gifted their own bags of candy they don't have to find. They too enjoy visiting and catching up with each other. 

The swing set is the favorite place to relax and fly. 

 We also enjoyed a lovely Easter egg hunt provided by Uncle Bryce and Aunt Alena. Their house is the favorite destination for my walking crew. They love to walk and run down the road to go jump on their trampoline. 

Just moments later or before this I was having a heart to heart with MArk about driving too fast and how I was going to ground him from spring farming if he didn't slow down. Infamous last words as just 4 days later we were sitting in the hospital getting his leg repaired. It's interesting looking back on pictures now that we have lived past them and seen where the story went. I see him standing on two good legs and almost want to cry. 
I'm so hopeful that he learns his lesson to slow down. Reed is driving slower. I'm thankful because I would hate to loose any of these cute kids. We are blessed. 

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