Monday, May 31, 2021

5.31.21 Prom

I'm trying to rewind a very full and emotional month. Looking back I see so many firsts, lasts, highs and lows. This event was a mixture of both. First prom for Aliza, custom dress, tall gentlemanly date. Last  school date for Harold his date was kind and modest. I watched and waited from a hospital room in Boise. I was so thankful for the many many hands that helped the night be a beautiful success. 
Grandma Saunders worked her sewing magic to make this lovely dress for Aliza. Aunt Alena crafted the sleeves, hair and makeup. I watched via zoom and offered pointers on the make-up. Harold I just waited and waited for any word. 
I was home for a fitting a few nights before. I also got to go with them last minute to the fabric store to help choose the pattern and color combination. My dear mother had spent a long day going to every imaginable pre-made dress store in the Boise Valley. There was absolutely nothing in her size or modesty preference. Thus the need to make a dress. 

On the night of the dance after hundreds of texts working to craft a fun comfortable date the actual execution I mean action of the date occured. Thanks to all the prepping and planning the date was delightful. 

The friend, Maddie Mulvany, her mom send pictures as I was in Boise. I was so thankful for her expert skills. 
Harold sent these the next day. 

Harold was set up by the young lady on the right with her good friend. She planned a perfect evening dinner at Tuscano's in Boise then the dance. The group had a great time. He even went and bought his own suit for the occasion. 

I spent many evenings walking this hall trying to get some energy out while wondering how things were going at home.  

Mark and I after one of his surgeries waiting on phone calls and time to heal. 
We are thankful for all who made the nights memorable and who help our family at every turn. We are blessed. 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

5.12.21 Daddy Daughter Dance

A few weeks ago we got an invitation to a daddy daughter dance. The girls were so excited! The big day came and the girls quickly got ready. It took a little longer to get Greg in the house but finally he was ready and the girls were so happy. 
These pictures came from the dance. Such a good time and so many rich memories being made. There was a great attendance with over 200 people.
After the dance the girls grabbed cookies for the kids at home. They had dad hold them while they got ready to go. The kids at home were thrilled with the surprise. 
Back at home in preparation for mother's day these flowers came from Greg and kids. 
My sweet friend also brought flowers from her abundant garden. It is nice to have the flowers but I cherish our visits in my driveway. They are a wise couple and we always laugh as we learn and lament. 

 Life is good. 

5.12.21 Trade- offs

One of the major perks of farming is having dad around more. It's been a major win for the kids to have less mom time but more dad time. He is patient and takes them on almost any job he does. We are working to teach them to wear hats. Their sunburned cheeks show they are about 50% compliant. But they sure are cuteys. 

Merle Man is happiest with dad these days. He snuggles into dad and won't look at me if dad is holding him. He is happiest when outside and included in the goings on out there. He is not a happy kid in the house. Thankfully Livy is happy to include him outside in their play. 
In all that play sometimes there are accidents. Bruce stepped on some metal and cut his foot. Because he was due for his school boosters I took him to the doctor to get those shots. He was very worried about getting the COVID shot. I told him repeatedly they would not be giving him a COVID shot. He was pretty nervous as proved by his blood pressure numbers. 

I climbed up to sit with him and we discussed the paintings on the wall. He is a very observative kid. He did so well and will not get tetanus any time soon. We are blessed by many great inventions and new ways of living. Keeping the right perspective is the key. Life is good. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Reed's request before we had Merle man was that he would be a brown haired kid like him. It was joy inducing to look around the room one day a few weeks ago and realize It was just the brown hair people. Me, Mark, Reed, and Merle. I took these pictures because these guys continue to love each other maybe an ounce more because they look the same. 

Each Tuesday we watch some kids for a friend. It has been good for my kids to have some outside the family interaction. 
My hard workers have to catch some shut eye when they can. One of the main messages of the doctors we have been seeing of late is drink water and rest more. So books in hand they rest. 

And while they rest life goes on. These two were delighted to find Alivia's special box of treasures. They thoroughly enjoyed exploring the box. 

It was Livy just a few years ago getting into Addy or Aliza's stuff. And a few years before that Addy in Anna's stuff. It's good to see the circle move on. Man was so pleased when he got in the box. I'm not sure why babies love boxes so much but they truly do. 
And no box of treasures here is complete without a bag of special rocks. These heavy obsidian are in Livy's collection. Every walk with little kids includes the demand to look at the rocks they have found. There are many unique designs out there. They are so good at noticing life around them. 

As I get bogged down with worry and lists it is wisdom to notice the good and not dwell on the bad so much. I'm thankful for the power of each new day the beauty of sun rises clean and fresh. There is more than just health wisdom in going to bed early and rising early. Closing out the worries and mess of the day sooner than later is much better than making a bigger problem by slugging through tired brains. Ugh- listening to President Nelson speaking about Lazy learners. I need to be less lazy and more faithful. More time on the better part and then more prayer to apply the learning. Here's to another day of living, and striving to see the beauty not just the weeds. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

5.8.21 Mark update

The big day came and went to move from soft wrap cast to open boot. Mark at the end with the new huge boot. 
Waiting for xrays leg fully exposed for the first time in two weeks. 
We found as they removed tehe dressing that essentially the leg had been wrapped in two quilts worth of batting. 

He had about 20 stitches holding it all together. 
The stitches. There were so many it was not pleasant getting them removed. 

We were so impressed to see the small bone almost completely knit together. The staff was surprised that so much healing had taken place. We were not. There have been so many prayers offered and so many herbs taken of course it was healing nicely. 
Mark was still able to take some time on the tractor. 5 hours is his max and it took some adjustments without the super soft supportive cast. These two are quite the pair. They hate pictures but I told them I'm sick of only have back pictures so grin and bear it. I love their drive, wisdom, get it done abilities. 
He mostly resides here presumably working on school that NEVER ends. I think he watches a lot of youtube and movies. 
The scab a few weeks ago. 

Healing a wound this big just takes time. That's a lot of skin to grow. So he rests and hydrates and waits. The scab has began falling off and the new pink skin is whole. 

 I'm thankful he has healed so well. I'm thankful he has cared so lovingly for Man. Im super thankful he was able to give me a break in the tractor. I found that I didn't love tractor driving as much as I remembered because I felt like I needed to be with my kids in the house. However, I stuck it out and we got the ground covered for now. Mark has been very validated as we have all strained under the load of trying to do all he did. 

Mark teaching me how to drive the trac and disk. There have been so many moments with my kids in the past month of them teaching me and spending one on one time with them. That has been a blessing. I'm thankful for the skills and happiness. I'm blessed to get to know them in a different light. 


Friday, May 7, 2021

5.7.21 Together

For many years we have had to divide and conquer. There has been so much that had to be done we had to apply our talents where needed to get as many bases covered as we could. A major benefit to farming this year has been being together. For better or worse we have had a lot more time interacting with each other and our children. About half is awesome and half is heated. This night we were working to get the pivots started for their first trip around the field. 
Earlier in the day I had heard a commercial about a couple four wheeling and thought why don't we do fun things? well this evening we rode the four wheeler back and forth between pivots and around the newly disked fields to check soil conditions. I drove because I hate getting dusted in the back. It was nice to be together. Our first four wheeling date!
A few weeks later Greg took me and the little kids to pick up some heifers he bought. Last time we were together he had wanted to get lunch but it seemed so expensive I kyboshed the idea and we went home hungry and made food there. I felt bad for a few days for being a spoil sport and a really bad date. I get food when I'm hungry in town I shouldn't have fussed when he wanted to.  So this time when he asked about lunch I just waited with the kids while he went and ordered. 
The interesting thing when dad buys is there is always ice cream! He got full meals for all of us- I only buy burgers ever. And a chocolate milkshake to wash it all down. 
It's always a challenge to learn to work together, but it is worth it. I'm so thankful for this eternal companion of mine who always says- "I'm not going to quit that easy." How grateful I am for his deep commitment and very nature of stubbornness. While we clash heads often with difference of opinions and priorities, I'm thankful we both forgive and continue moving on. 

When I was in my dating years my dad would often tell me the importance of being equally yoked with a companion, someone who believed similar and would have similar priorities. I'm thankful for Greg's all around strength and solidness. He drags me along and helps me move the heavy load we have chosen to carry, with yummy ice cream I wouldn't buy! I am blessed.