Tuesday, May 11, 2021


Reed's request before we had Merle man was that he would be a brown haired kid like him. It was joy inducing to look around the room one day a few weeks ago and realize It was just the brown hair people. Me, Mark, Reed, and Merle. I took these pictures because these guys continue to love each other maybe an ounce more because they look the same. 

Each Tuesday we watch some kids for a friend. It has been good for my kids to have some outside the family interaction. 
My hard workers have to catch some shut eye when they can. One of the main messages of the doctors we have been seeing of late is drink water and rest more. So books in hand they rest. 

And while they rest life goes on. These two were delighted to find Alivia's special box of treasures. They thoroughly enjoyed exploring the box. 

It was Livy just a few years ago getting into Addy or Aliza's stuff. And a few years before that Addy in Anna's stuff. It's good to see the circle move on. Man was so pleased when he got in the box. I'm not sure why babies love boxes so much but they truly do. 
And no box of treasures here is complete without a bag of special rocks. These heavy obsidian are in Livy's collection. Every walk with little kids includes the demand to look at the rocks they have found. There are many unique designs out there. They are so good at noticing life around them. 

As I get bogged down with worry and lists it is wisdom to notice the good and not dwell on the bad so much. I'm thankful for the power of each new day the beauty of sun rises clean and fresh. There is more than just health wisdom in going to bed early and rising early. Closing out the worries and mess of the day sooner than later is much better than making a bigger problem by slugging through tired brains. Ugh- listening to President Nelson speaking about Lazy learners. I need to be less lazy and more faithful. More time on the better part and then more prayer to apply the learning. Here's to another day of living, and striving to see the beauty not just the weeds. 

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