Thursday, May 6, 2021

5.6.21 Roofing Project

There was a service opportunity in our church ward early in April. Even though the farm was screaming for attention my good husband spent as much time as possible and then some more helping neighbors with a very challenging roofing project. Harold and John spent more time there. This was a unique old construction model roof. There's not a lot of support there for my big men. 
Thankfully a farmer friend brought his lift truck with cage and that was a better spot for GReg to work from. 
That's my John on the right and Harold on the top. The other young man lives in the house. 
Getting the tar paper on and getting tin cut. 

One man in our ward use to work in roofing and was the project lead. I'm thankful the boys could learn a new skill and could share their youthful energy with people who needed help. 
This was a steep multi challenging roof. 
John was the primary tin cutter for a day. This became a three Saturday project. 

We were relieved to hear the work was done. It was really hard to have them gone for all this time but it all worked out, Mark was able to endure tractor driving and I spent a lot of time in there as well. There are so many opprotunitites to learn and grow. I feel stretched like silly putty but I'm still here and probably better off than the beginning of April so all is well. Again my mother heart swells seeing my guys give a true blessing to a family in need. We are well. 


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